Monthly Archives: September 2012

Nicolas Rodriguez Unphotographable moments 2

                                  Unphotographable moment 4                This is a moment I was unable to photograph. I am on the train when a couple of men enter. They start to perform dances and tricks on the train using the poles and other objects … Continue reading

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My short essay – Diego Vega

We all know that a change brings positive and negative consequences. According to the article “What Is a City”, the author explains the different aspects that affect a city. He describes what a city is becoming to; a city full … Continue reading

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Short Post – Carlos Mo Wu

In Here is New York, E. B. White describes his feeling towards the New York City and its changes. He recalls several scenes when he first visited New York. When White came back to New York, it was a different … Continue reading

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Assignment Due on 9/6

I’ve read all three passages and I found that that they all speak fondly about the constant changes of New York City and what causes a city to change. I think that as life goes on and technology becomes more … Continue reading

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Unphotographable Moment #5

I remember Valentines Day at age 16, I was considered one of the best people to give and get extraordinary gifts, but in specific I was the best at love letters because my pen opened  up an eloquent and classy … Continue reading

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Unphotographable moment #4

I remember playing for high school’s football team, but there was a game in particular that I will never forget and that was against August Martin High School. The weather was about 30 degrees and we all dressed warm for … Continue reading

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Stephanie Sanchez. 9/4 Unphotographical moment #2

This is a picture I did not take of a Starbucks. I went in Starbucks waiting at the long line. The mood there was cheerful, the people having conversation, drink their beverage, the smell of fresh coffee and the employees singing … Continue reading

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Stephanie Sanchez. 9/4 Unphotographical moment #1

This is a picture I did not take of my three little brothers. My parents went with my siblings at walmart buy their supplies for school. My siblings were crazy, jumping around us, running and grabbing everything that they saw, … Continue reading

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Stephanie Sanchez. Unphotographical moment #3

This is a picture I did not take of a police officer. The train A stopped at the stop 88 st when the officer came to the train with his gun and maracle, walking fast like looking for something or … Continue reading

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Short Blog Post Due 9/6 Noelle Weinmeier

Out of all documents we have been assigned to read so far, my favorite was “What is a City?”. This piece of work stood out most in my mind due to the visiual image i got while reading it. It … Continue reading

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