Will You See It?


Time Stood Still

Time Stood Still


This photograph was taken about one week ago, in East New York of Brooklyn,NY. I chose to use this photo because it has a very unique look to it, as there is a mini van swiftly driving by. In the meanwhile, the rest of the entire photo seems to be at a complete standstill, and no activities present. Also, looking to the right of the mini van, there is only a civilian in the photo, facing towards the opposite direction, which portrays the dominant impression of suspense and loneliness. Even though this picture is very interesting, it also has a high reality effect because, when looking at the second window and the top of the frame, there is an orange glare on the window, and also the photo is not as bright as a sunny day, which indicates that the time of day is evening time. Similarly, the pro filmic event of the mini van driving by indicates that the reality effect is high. I find this photo to be perfect for my essay because there is just a large variety of ways that this photo can be read, and will compare really well with my other photo for this essay.



This photograph was also taken about one week ago, in front of Kings County Hospital Center in Flatbush of Brooklyn,NY. I find this picture very fascinating for numerous reasons. First of, a noticeable aspect of the photo, shows a lot going on at the bottom of the frame. Another aspect would be of course, that there are many different lights shining throughout the picture, which also points out the fact, that is not sunny outside. The reality effect can be seen in this picture because if you look carefully, it is still really difficult to read the words and letters that are on the building which is in the middle of the frame. This allows one to really know that while the picture was taken that the camera moved while the moment was being captured. The reality effect is really high in this photo. There are many other aspects of this photo that can be pointed out, and they will be when begin to compare it with my other photograph.

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One Response to Will You See It?

  1. I am confused by the top photo, which does not seem to be focused on very much: is the building important? Name of it? On the other hand, the bottom photo is well composed and says a lot. I approve of both.

    Prof. Scanlan

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