Today during class we will take our first exam. Please read the following instructions carefully.

  1. The exam will be distributed via Zoom during class.
  2. Do your work on separate paper (blank or lined).
  3. You must remain connected to Zoom during the exam.
  4. You must be available to interact with your professor, either verbally or by chat, during the exam.
  5. When you are finished, photograph/scan each page of your work and convert to a single pdf file (see the blue box “Submitting your work” below if you need help).
    • Please name your file: YourName-Exam1-MAT2680-Spring21.pdf
  6. You will have 1 full class period to complete the exam, and 20 minutes to upload your work to Dropbox – see the blue box “Submitting your work” below for more details.
  7. A list of exam policies was distributed earlier in the semester, and can be found here.
  8. If you have not done so already, Sign up for a One-on-One Meeting with your Professor (this is a required part of your exam!): Click here to reserve a time
    NOTE: I have provided timeslots on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday following the exam – however, I understand these options may not work for everyone. If you are NOT able to make any of the offered times, please send me an email and we will work out an alternative.

Submitting your work

  • Take a picture of each written page of your assignment, and combine the pictures into a single pdf document.
  • Give the document a name that will help me identify it, such as YourName-Exam1-MAT2680-Spring21.pdf.
  • Use the upload link to upload your pdf (this link connects to a Dropbox folder, but you do NOT need to have a Dropbox account to use it).