Today’s quiz is NOT mathematical – it’s just a check-in. Let me know how you are doing! There are no right answers (but you must complete the quiz in order to record your attendance for the day). Today’s lecture will be posted later this morning.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or problems.
Prof. Reitz
Daily Quiz: 4/28/20
This quiz MUST be taken on 4/28 to record your attendance.
If you log into WeBWorK, you can find a practice exam/review (in preparation for our upcoming Exam #2) – it is titled “Take Reitz Precalc Practice Exam 2 test“. The exam will be available until Wednesday night 4/29 at midnight (the night before the exam).
It is designed to give you an idea of what the problems on the actual exam will look like. Unlike a real exam, you may take it as many times as you like (before the day of the actual exam), the system will allow repeated attempts at each problem, and the system will provide hints.
NOTE: On the actual exam, the problems may look slightly different than these – with more or fewer steps, and other modifications.
Don’t forget to also look at the Exam 2 Review Sheet. Please send me your questions, either by commenting here or by email.
2.In addition, I will post a practice assignment on WeBWorK over the weekend. This is ONLY for practice – you can take it as many times as you like, but your scores will NOT count for anything. However, it will give you a feeling for the types of questions that might be on the exam.
exam format
On the actual exam day (next Thursday, 4/30), you will complete the following 2 steps, just like the Practice Exam last Tuesday:
Step 1: Complete the exam in WeBWorK (you will have 2 hours from when you start the exam). Step 2: Submit your written work in pdf format, using a link that I provide (you will have 30 min from when you complete the exam in WeBWorK).
Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, and send me your questions. Don’t forget to complete the Daily Quiz (below this post) before midnight to be marked present for the day.
Lesson 20: Trigonometric Equations
Lesson Date: Thursday, April 23rd.
Topic: This lesson covers Chapter 20: Trigonometric Equations.
WeBWorK: There is one WeBWorK assignment on today’s material, due next Thursday 4/30:
Trigonometry – Equations
Question of the Day: If we know $\sin(x)=\frac{1}{2}$, what do we know about the angle $x$?
Lesson NOtes (Notability – pdf):
This .pdf file contains most of the work from the videos in this lesson. It is provided for your reference.
Observation 20.2. To solve $\tan(x)=c$, we first determine one solution $x=\tan^{-1}(c)$. Then the general solution is given by: $$x=\tan^{-1}(c)+n\cdot\pi \text{ where }n = 0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \pm 3, …$$
Example 20.4. Solve for $x$: $\cos(x)=\frac{1}{2}$
VIDEO: Example 20.4, cos(x)=c
Observation 20.5. To solve $\cos(x)=c$, we first determine one solution $x=\cos^{-1}(c)$. Then the general solution is given by: $$x=\pm\cos^{-1}(c)+2n\cdot\pi \text{ where }n = 0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \pm 3, …$$
Example 20.7. Solve for $x$: $\sin(x)=\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}$
VIDEO: Example 20.7, sin(x)=c
Observation 20.8. To solve $\sin(x)=c$, we first determine one solution $x=\sin^{-1}(c)$. Then the general solution is given by: $$x=(-1)^{n}\cdot\sin^{-1}(c)+n\cdot\pi \text{ where }n = 0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \pm 3, …$$
Summary: We summarize the different formulas used to solve the basic trigonometric equations in the following table.
Solve: $\sin(x)=c$
Solve: $\cos(x)=c$
Solve: $\tan(x)=c$
First, find one solution, that is: $\sin^{-1}(c)$. Use: $\sin^{-1}(-c)=-\sin^{-1}(c)$
First, find one solution, that is: $\cos^{-1}(c)$. Use: $\cos^{-1}(-c)=\pi-\cos^{-1}(c)$
First, find one solution, that is: $\tan^{-1}(c)$. Use: $\tan^{-1}(-c)=-\tan^{-1}(c)$
The general solution is: $x=(-1)^{n} \sin^{-1}(c)+n \pi$
The general solution is: $x=\pm \cos^{-1}(c)+2 n \pi$
The general solution is: $x=\tan ^{-1}(c)+n \pi$
where $n=0,\pm 1,\pm 2, \ldots$
where $n=0,\pm 1,\pm 2, \ldots$
where $n=0,\pm 1,\pm 2, \ldots$
Example 20.10. Find the general solution of the equation, and state at least $5$ distinct solutions. a) $\sin(x)=-\frac{1}{2}$ b) $\cos(x)=-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$
Equations involving trigonometric functions
Example 20.11. Solve for $x$ a) $2 \sin (x)-1=0$ b) $\sec (x)=-\sqrt{2}$ c) $7 \cot (x)+3=0$
VIDEO: Example 20.11 – equations with trig functions (linear)
Example 20.12. Solve for $x$. a) $\tan ^{2}(x)+2 \tan (x)+1=0 \quad$ b) $2 \cos ^{2}(x)-1=0$
VIDEO: Example 20.12 – equations with trig functions (quadratic)
Here is today’s Daily Quiz, based on the material covered on Tuesday. As a reminder, the quizzes will count towards the OpenLab portion of your grade, and they will also be used to track your attendance (to be marked PRESENT, you must submit the quiz before midnight). Today’s lecture will be posted later this morning.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or problems. Stay healthy if you can, sane if you must!
Prof. Reitz
Daily Quiz: 4/23/20
This quiz MUST be taken on 4/23 to record your attendance.
Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, and send me your questions. Don’t forget to complete the Daily Quiz (below this post) before midnight to be marked present for the day.
Lesson 19: Inverse trigonometric functions
Lesson Date: Tuesday, April 21st.
Topic: This lesson covers Chapter 19: Inverse trigonometric functions.
WeBWorK: There is one WeBWorK assignment on today’s material, due next Tuesday 4/28:
Trigonometry – Inverse Functions
Question of the Day: Are the trigonometric functions $\sin(x),\cos(x)$ and $\tan(x)$ one-to-one functions?
Lesson NOtes (Notability – pdf):
This .pdf file contains most of the work from the videos in this lesson. It is provided for your reference.
In this section, we are interested in the inverse functions of the trigonometric functions $y=\sin(x), y=\cos(x),$ and $y=\tan(x)$. You may recall from our work earlier in the semester that in order for a function to have an inverse, it must be one-to-one (or pass the horizontal line test: any horizontal line intersects the graph at most once).
The function $\tan^{-1}(x)$
Recall the graph of the function $y=\tan(x)$:
Graph of $y=\tan(x)$.
Notice that since the graph consists of a repeating pattern of vertical stripes, any horizontal line will touch the graph in multiple places – this graph FAILS the horizontal line test (it is NOT one-to-one). How can we define the inverse? By restricting the domain – that is, only looking at one of the repeating vertical stripes. If we only look at the part of the graph between $-\frac{\pi}{2}$ and $\frac{\pi}{2}$ then the function is one-to-one (that it, the red part of the function above is, by itself, one-to-one).
Definition 19.1. The inverse of the function $y=\tan (x)$ with restricted domain $D=\left(\frac{-\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right)$ and range $R=\mathbb{R}$ is called the inverse tangent or arctangent function. It is denoted by: $y=\tan ^{-1}(x) \quad$ or $\quad y=\arctan (x) \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad \tan (y)=x, \quad y \in\left(-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right)$
Note that the inverse tangent function is written both $\tan^{-1}(x)$ and $\arctan(x)$ — they mean the same thing.
Graph of the inverse tangent function.
Observation: The inverse tangent is an odd function, so $\tan^{-1}(-x)=-\tan^{-1}(x)$ (recall that a function $f(x)$ is odd provided $f(-x)=-f(x)$)
Example 19.1 Recall the exact values of the tangent function from Chapter 17:
Exact Values of Tangent Function
Use the table and Observation above to find exact values of the inverse tangent function. Give answers in both degrees and radians. a. $\arctan(1)$ b. $\arctan\left(-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{3}\right)$. c. $\tan^{-1}(0)$
VIDEO: The Inverse Tangent Function – Definition and Example 19.1
THE FUNCTION $\sin^{-1}(x)$
Consider the graph of the function $y=\sin(x)$. It is not one-to-one either:
The graph of $\sin(x)$.
However, if we restrict the function to the interval $\left[-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}\right]$ (shown in red) the resulting function is one-to-one, and so we can consider the inverse function.
Definition 19.5. The inverse of the function $y=\sin (x)$ with restricted domain $D=\left[\frac{-\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right]$ and range $R=[-1,1]$ is called the inverse sine or arcsine function. It is denoted by $y=\sin ^{-1}(x) \quad \text { or } \quad y=\arcsin (x) \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad \sin (y)=x, \quad y \in\left[\frac{-\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right]$ The arcsine reverses the input and output of the sine function, so that the arcsine has domain $D=[-1,1]$ and range $R=\left[\frac{-\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right]$.
Graph of the inverse sine, or arcsine, function $y=\sin^{-1}(x)$
Observation: The inverse sine function is an odd function, so $\sin^{-1}(-x)=-\sin^{-1}(x)$.
Example 19.7. Recall the values of the sine function for common angles:
Values of $\sin(x)$ for common angles.
Use the Table and Observation above to find exact values of the arcsine function. Give answers in both degrees and radians. a. $\sin ^{-1}\left(\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}\right)$, b. $\sin^{-1}(1)$, c. $\sin^{-1}(0)$, d. $\sin ^{-1}\left(\frac{-1}{2}\right)$, e. $\sin^{-1}(3)$
VIDEO: The Inverse Sine Function – Definition and Example 19.7
THE FUNCTION $\cos^{-1}(x)$
We treat the function $\cos(x)$ similar to $\sin(x)$. However, we are no longer able to use the interval $\left[\frac{-\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right]$. Why?
The graph of $\cos(x)$
In order to make the cosine function one-to-one, we restrict to the interval $[0,\pi]$.
Definition 19.8. The inverse of the function $y=\cos (x)$ with restricted domain $D=[0, \pi]$ and range $R=[-1,1]$ is called the inverse cosine or arccosine function. It is denoted by $y=\cos ^{-1}(x) \quad \text { or } \quad y=\arccos (x) \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad \cos (y)=x, \quad y \in[0, \pi]$ The arccosine reverses the input and output of the cosine function, so that the arccosine has domain $D=[-1,1]$ and range $R=[0, \pi]$.
The graph of $\arccos(x)$.
Observation: The arccosine function is neither even nor odd. However, it does obey the following symmetry: $\cos^{-1}(-x)=\pi-\cos^{-1}(x)$ (in many problems, you can avoid the use of this formula by remembering the unit circle definition of cosine).
Example 19.10. Recall the values of the cosine function for common angles:
Values of $\cos(x)$ for common angles.
Use the Table and Observation above to find exact values of the arccosine function. Give answers in both degrees and radians. a. $\arccos\left(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\right)$, b. $\cos^{-1}(1)$, c. $\cos ^{-1}(0)$, d. $\arccos=\left(-\frac{1}{2}\right)$, e. $\arccos(2)$
VIDEO: The Inverse Cosine Function – Definition and Example 19.10
Inverse trig functions on the TI-84+ calculator
How do we find values of inverse trig functions that don’t appear in our “common angles” table?
Example. Find the values of the inverse trig functions using a calculator. Include at least 5 decimal digits past the decimal point.
a. $\arccos(0.35)$ (in radians) b. $\tan^{-1}(-13.2)$ (in degrees)
Today is our “test run” for the new exam-taking process. Please READ the instructions below, and COMPLETE all the steps. NOTE: This is not a ‘real’ exam, although it is required – it will not count towards your grade, but it will serve to record your attendance in today’s class. The primary purpose is to make sure everyone can successfully navigate the technology – WeBWorK, taking photos & combining them into a single pdf, uploading work. If you have any trouble with any of the steps, please reach out to me by email or on the OpenLab – let’s figure it out together!
Exam Instructions – (Exam opens at 10am)
Step 1: Complete the exam in WeBWorK.
The exam is called A Practice Exam about pets and appears in the Homework Sets area.
The exam will be available for just over 24 hours, from 10:00am Tuesday 4/21/20 through 11:40am Wednesday 4/22/20 – you can start the exam whenever you like during this period.
You will have 2 hours to complete the exam from the time you start it (WeBWorK will keep track of this for you – you must submit your answers within two hours of starting).
Please choose a time to complete the exam that provides you with the best opportunity to work uninterrupted.
You must complete each of the problems on paper (see Step 2) – this is not required for the practice exam – instead of written work, you will submit two pictures of your pets).
When you complete the exam, enter your answers and submit them in WeBWorK.
Step 2: Upload your written work as a single pdf file to the link provided (in the case of this practice exam, submit two pictures of your favorite pet/pets).
You must submit your written work within 30 minutes of completing the exam.
Please take clear photographs of your written work (one photo per page). For the practice exam, please take two photos of your favorite pet/pets – OR, if you don’t have pets or prefer not to share them, take photos of any item or location in your home that is helping you get through this difficult time).
Combine all the photos into a single pdf file. If you need help with this, see the box “Tips for combining photos on various devices” below.
Step 3: You’re done – great work! If you had any trouble with the instructions above, please let me know. Information about our next “real” exam will be coming later this week.
Tips for combining photos in a pdf on various devices
Congratulations on making it through the first month of distance learning! I know everyone is concerned about how exams are going to be handled. We have created a process for taking exams at home that (hopefully) balances flexibility with security. Our class will be testing out the process this week by taking a Practice Exam on Tuesday 4/21 (this is required, but *not graded* – there will be no mathematics on the Practice Exam). This will give everyone a chance to try things out, and deal with any practical challenges around the technology. If all goes well, we will take our Exam #2 using the same process.
How will we take exams online?
Each exam will be announced on the OpenLab. You will complete the following two steps:
After the exam is announced, go to WeBWorK and complete the exam there.
The exam will look like a regular WeBWorK homework assignment, with some minor differences.
You will have 2 hours to complete the exam, once you start work on it.
The exam will be available for 24 hours, and you can start working on it at any point during those 24 hours. However, once you begin working, you will only have 2 hours to complete the exam and submit your answers. The timer does not stop, even if you close your browser, so be sure to complete the exam within 2 hours of starting.
NOTE: You must complete all of the problems on paper, showing all of your work.
Submit your final answers in WeBWorK.
Take photo(s) of your work on paper, convert to a single .pdf document, and upload it using a link I provide on the OpenLab.
The link I provide will be a Dropbox File Request link – you will *not* need any login or account information use it.
You will need to figure out how to combine multiple photos into a single .pdf document – the solution depends on the type of device. I suggest Googling something like “How do I combine multiple photos in a single pdf on iPhone?“. If you have trouble with this, PLEASE LET ME KNOW – send me an email, tell me the device you are using, and I will help you find a solution.
Your grade for the exam requires both your answers (submitted in WeBWorK) and your written work (uploaded). The majority of your grade will be based on your written work.
What do I need to do?
For now, nothing.
On Tuesday 4/21, I will post a Practice Exam – it will be announced on the OpenLab (the exam will be short and easy and will not include any math). You will complete the exam in WeBWorK and upload your work using the link I provide. If you have any trouble, please let me know!
Hi everyone! Read through the material below, watch the videos, and send me your questions. Don’t forget to complete the Daily Quiz (below this post) before midnight to be marked present for the day.
Lesson 18: Addition of angles and multiple angle formulas
Lesson Date: Thursday, April 16th.
Topic: This lesson covers Chapter 18: Addition of angles and multiple angle formulas.
WeBWorK: There are two WeBWorK assignments on today’s material, due next Thursday 4/23:
Trigonometry – Sum and Difference Formulas
Trigonometry – Double and Half Angle Formulas
Lesson NOtes (Notability – pdf):
This .pdf file contains most of the work from the videos in this lesson. It is provided for your reference.
Question of the Day: Suppose we know the values of the trig functions of two angles $a$ and $b$. Can we use them to find the values of the trig functions of the angle $a+b$?
Today, we will see how we can do exactly that – the idea is to work with formulas that allow us to calculate, for example, $\sin(a+b)$ and $\cos(a+b)$ based on the values of $\sin(a),\cos(a),\sin(b),$ and $\cos(b)$.
NOTE: We often use greek letters for angles — this helps us keep track of what’s an angle and what’s not. The most common are the greek letters alpha $\alpha$ and beta $\beta$. We’ll be using these instead of $a$ and $b$.
Warning: the videos for today’s lecture are *quite long* – however, they consist almost entirely of examples, with a lot of explanation. Feel free to skip around, or to try the WeBWorK first (if you get stuck, the videos might help).
Addition and Subtraction of Angles
Proposition 18.1. For any angles $\alpha$ and $\beta$,
Great question! To answer it, you need to see the *proof* of these formulas – this appears in your book in Chapter 18.
Now, we are going to see how these formulas let us calculate the values of trig functions at many different angles, based on just a few common angles (such as those listed in the table below – if you don’t know them, this is a great time to learn them!).
Values of trig function for common angles
Example 18.2. Find the exact values of the trigonometric functions:
a) $\cos \left(\frac{\pi}{12}\right)$ b) $\tan \left(\frac{5 \pi}{12}\right)$ c) $\cos \left(\frac{11 \pi}{12}\right)$
VIDEO: Example 18.2 applying angle sum and difference formulas
Double and Half Angles
Proposition 18.5. Let $\alpha$ be any angle. Then we have the half-angle formulas:
Here is today’s Daily Quiz, based on the material covered on Tuesday. As a reminder, the quizzes will count towards the OpenLab portion of your grade, and they will also be used to track your attendance (to be marked PRESENT, you must submit the quiz before midnight). Today’s lecture will be posted later this morning.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or problems. Stay healthy if you can, sane if you must!
Prof. Reitz
Daily Quiz: 4/16/20
This quiz MUST be taken on 4/14 to record your attendance.