Hi everyone,

Your Midsemester Grades (including your grades for Exam #2) are posted on the OpenLab Gradebook  (Dashboard / OpenLab Gradebook). You will see that your grades for Exam #2 as well as your current Homework, OpenLab, and Project grades have been posted.

Your Midsemester grade is based on the following work completed so far:
Homework 30%, OpenLab 25%, Exams 45%

Midterm grade key:
Ppassing/satisfactory progress; likely to complete course requirements.
Ufailing/unsatisfactory progress; not likely to complete course requirements.
BLborderline; barely passing or just below passing; there is a reasonable expectation that the student will pass the course
SAstopped attending; for students who were attending (at least once) and have now have stopped attending your class.
WN grade: Student never attended. Do not assign this grade.  This information was based on the “ verification of attendance” (VOA) roster you submitted at the 3rd week of the semester.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Prof. Reitz