Hi everyone,
The grades for Exam #3 are posted under Dashboard / OpenLab Gradebook – the exams will be returned on Tuesday. Let me know if you have any questions.
Prof. Reitz
Hi everyone,
The grades for Exam #3 are posted under Dashboard / OpenLab Gradebook – the exams will be returned on Tuesday. Let me know if you have any questions.
Prof. Reitz
Written work, due Tuesday, December 3rd, in class:
Chapter 10 p167: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none
Project – Final Draft of paper due in class on Thursday, 12/5.
Group Presentations on Thursday, 12/5.
Hi everyone,
The review sheet for Exam #3, taking place on Tuesday 11/26, is posted under Classroom Resources / Exam Reviews
. As always, if you have any questions or notice any errors please let me know (by email, in person, or here on the OpenLab).
Prof. Reitz
The last significant group assignment for your semester project is a group presentation (there will be one more individual assignment, a reflection on the process). I’ll put the details here, followed by an outline of the grading criteria (the presentation is worth 20 points total).
Semester Project – Group Presentation
This is your chance to share your group’s work with the rest of the class. Each group will give a 5-8 minute presentation, including the following items:
Keep in mind the following:
Grading Criteria (20 points total)
_____ points (4 possible). Basics. Stay within time limits (5-8 minutes). All group members participate.
_____ points (6 possible). Conjecture. Conjecture is written down. Explanation and example are provided.
_____ points (7 possible). Proof of conjecture or proof process description.
_____ points (3 possible). Challenge the class. At least one puzzle is given for the class to work on on their own.
____ points TOTAL (20 possible)
Hi everyone,
The group process paper will be worth 35 points towards your Project grade. I will be filling out the sheet below for each paper submitted. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Prof. Reitz
Semester Project – Group Process Paper
Grading Criteria
_____ points (3 possible). Basics/formatting. Length (1500 words required). Group members names. Semester/Date/Course.
_____ points (2 possible). Puzzle description. Description given in own words, demonstrates understanding of puzzle mechanics.
_____ points (16 possible). Proof process narrative.
_____ points (4 possible). Shows progress across various stages of the project.
_____ points (4 possible). Includes all participating members of the group.
_____ points (4 possible). Includes objective facts (“what we did”) as well as experience (“how it felt, what it was like”).
_____ points (4 possible). Tells a story.
_____ points (5 possible). Conjecture.
_____ points (3 possible). State your group’s conjecture.
_____ points (2 possible). Proof or disproof of conjecture. If no proof or disproof was obtained, these points can be earned by clear explanation of proof process in the preceding account.
_____ points (9 possible). Images (3 points each). Original or clearly attributed. Includes caption. Connection to puzzle/process is evident.
____ points TOTAL (35 possible)
Written work, due Tuesday, November 19th, in class:
Chapter 8: 3, 4, 7, 18, 19, 20
Chapter 9: 3, 4, 5
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none
Project – Initial Draft of paper due in class next Thursday, 11/21 (feedback will be sent by email to group members).
Final Draft of paper due in class on Thursday 12/5.
Group Presentations on Thursday, 12/5.
In his essay A Mathematician’s Lament, Paul Lockhart says “A good problem is something you don’t know how to solve.” This is quite different from most of the “problems” that appear in our mathematics education. In the past weeks, you’ve all spent some time individually and in groups working on such problems, in the context of graph theory (“Bridges and Walking Tours”).
As a group, write an account of your experiences working on your puzzle/problem. You should include the following elements:
I will be meeting with each group next Tuesday, November 14th, in class. Please be in touch with your other group members before then! Be prepared to discuss your progress so far – at the very least, you should be able to describe how you are dividing up the work of the paper among your group.
The first draft of this assignment is due in class on Thursday, November 21. Each group should submit one paper, of no less than 1500 words. You may decide as a group how to divide up the work. Be aware that you will be asked at a later time to describe your own specific contributions as well as those of each group member.
The final draft of this assignment is due in class on Tuesday, December 5.
REGARDING SEMESTER PROJECT: As you may recall from the Course Description, the semester project is worth 10% of your overall grade. The project consists of a number of interrelated activities (many of which have already been completed) – complete details can be found on the Project Overview & Deliverables page. The group paper assigned here forms a significant portion of the project.
Group 1: Song Yu, Randy, Aurkaw
A diagram is solvable when a diagram has a greater than or equal to a number of vertices with an even number of adjacent lines than the number of vertices with an odd number of adjacent lines. And a line graph is solvable by choosing either of the endpoints of a line.
Group 2: Youshmanie, Dylan:
A puzzle is solvable with a bit string where the length is the total number of points and the elements are the amount of bridges connected to each point in descending order then the pattern is solvable for any other puzzle with the same bit string.
Assignment. Your goal for today is to refine the conjecture you decided on during your last class meeting. Some things to consider:
Written work – Due Tuesday, November 12, in class:
Chapter 7: 5, 6, 7, 9, 12
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none
Project – First draft of your group paper is due in class on Thursday, 11/21.
EXAM #3 will take place on Tuesday, 11/26 (right before Thanksgiving break).
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