Author: Jonas Reitz (Page 1 of 5)

Week 15 Assignments

Written work (for practice only, will NOT be collected – instead, work on the final exam review sheet!):
Section 11.1 p182: 12, 13, 16
In addition, complete Example 11.8 at the top of p182.
Section 11.4: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Handout: Theorem NT 6.2, 6.3
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none

Project Reflection due by final exam 12/19 (by email)

Project Reflection

This assignment is the final deliverable for your project (worth 10 points).  It is an individual, not a group, assignment and should be submitted by email, not on the OpenLab.

The Semester Project consisted of a number of related activities and assignments – before you begin writing, please take a look at the list and click each of the links to remind yourself  of all the parts of the project.

Assignment (Due before your final exam – Thursday, December 19th).  SUBMIT BY EMAIL, NOT ON THE OPENLAB.  This is your chance to reflect on the Semester Project, and to describe your contributions to the major group activities.   Please respond to all of the following.

Part 1 (200 words minimum).  Write one or two paragraphs reflecting on the Semester Project, from the initial assignment (“OpenLab #5: Bridges and Walking Tours“) through to the final presentations.  You can use the following questions to guide your writing if you wish (or you can respond in whatever way you wish):

  • What was your overall impression of the project?  What did you enjoy the most? Least?
  • Do you feel that the project enhanced your experience of the class?  Was the project related to the course material?
  • How did you feel during the process? What was the best moment? The worst?
  • Was the project scaffolded appropriately? Did you need more or different support for any of the assignments? Do you have any suggestions for making the project more effective?

Part 2.  Describe your  personal contributions to the final two major group assignments, the group paper and the group presentation.  Do you think that you were an equal contributor in your group? Be as specific as you can.

OpenLab #7: Advice for the Future

Assignment (due Thursday, December 12).  Imagine that you are invited to speak on the first day of MAT 2071, to give advice to entering students.  Write at least three sentences responding to at least one of the following, describing what you would tell them.

  1. What do you wish that you had been told at the start of this class, to help you succeed?
  2. Choose one topic in the course that is especially challenging. Identify it, and give advice to students trying to master that topic.
  3. What is the most important prior knowledge (not taught in the class) that you need in order to succeed?  Why is it important?

Extra Credit.  Respond to someone else’s comment.  Do you agree? disagree? Have anything to add?

Week 14 Assignments

Written work, due Tuesday, 12/10, in class:
Day 25 Handout: Theorems NT 5.2, 5.3
Section 11.0: 3,4
WeBWorK – Assignment 6 due Tuesday, 12/10
OpenLab – OpenLab #7: Advice for the Future due Thursday, 12/12

Project Deadlines:
Final Draft of paper due in class on Thursday 12/5.
Group Presentations on Thursday 12/5.

Week 13 Assignments

Written work, due Tuesday, December 3rd, in class:
Chapter 10 p167: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none

Project –  Final Draft of paper due in class on Thursday, 12/5.
Group Presentations on Thursday, 12/5.


Exam #3 Review is posted

Hi everyone,

The review sheet for Exam #3, taking place on Tuesday 11/26, is posted under Classroom Resources / Exam Reviews.  As always, if you have any questions or notice any errors please let me know (by email, in person, or here on the OpenLab).

Prof. Reitz

Semester Project – Group Presentations: Description and Grading Criteria

The last significant group assignment for your semester project is a group presentation (there will be one more individual assignment, a reflection on the process).  I’ll put the details here, followed by an outline of the grading criteria (the presentation is worth 20 points total).

Semester Project – Group Presentation

This is your chance to share your group’s work with the rest of the class.  Each group will give a 5-8 minute presentation, including the following items:

  • State your conjecture (this should be written down, either on a slide or on the board).  Give an explanation, and an example to demonstrate your conjecture.
  • If you were able to prove your conjecture, give a proof.  If not, describe briefly some of the ideas you had and strategies you tried while trying to prove it.
  • Give the class at least one puzzle to work on on their own – a challenge!
  • Give the audience a chance to ask questions (either during the presentation, or after).

Keep in mind the following:

  • You must include some kind of slides (you may also put work on the board):  PowerPoint, Google Slides,, LaTeX Beamer, or other.
  • You may decide as a group how to divide up the work, but each group member must present something to class.
  • Be aware that you will be asked at a later time to describe your own specific contributions as well as those of each group member.
  • Presentations will be given at the beginning of class on Thursday, 12/5.  Your group must sign up for a presentation time before leaving class on 11/21.


Grading Criteria (20 points total)

_____ points (4 possible).  Basics.  Stay within time limits (5-8 minutes). All group members participate.

_____ points (6 possible).  Conjecture.  Conjecture is written down.  Explanation and example are provided.

_____ points (7 possible).  Proof of conjecture or proof process description.

_____ points (3 possible).  Challenge the class.  At least one puzzle is given for the class to work on on their own.


____ points TOTAL (20 possible)



Group Process Paper – Grading Criteria

Hi everyone,

The group process paper will be worth 35 points towards your Project grade.  I will be filling out the sheet below for each paper submitted.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Prof. Reitz


Semester Project – Group Process Paper
Grading Criteria

_____ points (3 possible).  Basics/formatting.  Length (1500 words required).  Group members names.  Semester/Date/Course.

_____ points (2 possible).  Puzzle description. Description given in own words, demonstrates understanding of puzzle mechanics.

_____ points (16 possible).  Proof process narrative.

_____ points (4 possible).  Shows progress across various stages of the project.  

_____ points (4 possible).  Includes all participating members of the group.  

_____ points (4 possible).  Includes objective facts (“what we did”) as well as experience (“how it felt, what it was like”).  

_____ points (4 possible).  Tells a story.

_____ points (5 possible).  Conjecture.

_____ points (3 possible).  State your group’s conjecture.

_____ points (2 possible).  Proof or disproof of conjecture. If no proof or disproof was obtained, these points can be earned by clear explanation of proof process in the preceding account.

_____ points (9 possible).  Images (3 points each).  Original or clearly attributed.  Includes caption.  Connection to puzzle/process is evident.  


____ points TOTAL (35 possible)



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