Category: Announcements (Page 1 of 2)

Week 13 Assignments

Written work, due Tuesday, December 3rd, in class:
Chapter 10 p167: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – none

Project –  Final Draft of paper due in class on Thursday, 12/5.
Group Presentations on Thursday, 12/5.


Exam #3 Review is posted

Hi everyone,

The review sheet for Exam #3, taking place on Tuesday 11/26, is posted under Classroom Resources / Exam Reviews.  As always, if you have any questions or notice any errors please let me know (by email, in person, or here on the OpenLab).

Prof. Reitz

Exam and Midsemester Grades are posted on the OpenLab

Hi everyone,

Your Midsemester Grades (including your grades for Exam #2) are posted on the OpenLab Gradebook  (Dashboard / OpenLab Gradebook). You will see that your grades for Exam #2 as well as your current Homework, OpenLab, and Project grades have been posted.

Your Midsemester grade is based on the following work completed so far:
Homework 30%, OpenLab 25%, Exams 45%

Midterm grade key:
Ppassing/satisfactory progress; likely to complete course requirements.
Ufailing/unsatisfactory progress; not likely to complete course requirements.
BLborderline; barely passing or just below passing; there is a reasonable expectation that the student will pass the course
SAstopped attending; for students who were attending (at least once) and have now have stopped attending your class.
WN grade: Student never attended. Do not assign this grade.  This information was based on the “ verification of attendance” (VOA) roster you submitted at the 3rd week of the semester.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Prof. Reitz

Week 7 Assignments

Written work, Due Thursday, October 17th, in class:
Chapter 4 p.100: 1, 6, 7, 15, 16
Odd problems are worth 4 points, even problems worth 8 points.
WeBWorK – none
OpenLab – OpenLab #5 Due Thursday 10/24.  NOTE: Please complete the writing portion on the OpenLab, but bring your Conjecture to class on 10/24 (do not post your Conjecture to the OpenLab

Exam #1 Review Sheet is posted

The first exam will take place on Thursday, September 26.  The review sheet is posted under “Classroom Resources/Exam Reviews” – it is the same as last year’s Exam #1 Review.  Please let me know if you have any questions, or to report an error.

Prof. Reitz

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