Doodling in Math Class: Stars
This video involves the concept of factoring using stars. The stars total points are factored and you are able to create 1 dimensional stars with those factors.

Doodling in Math: Sick Number Games
This video is about turning numbers in specific triangles and creating patterns that would make it easy to guess the numbers that would follow.

Rhapsody on the Proof of Pi=4
This video involves breaking down a square with perimeter 4 into even smaller ones until you almost get the shape of a circle. Other shapes were used and were broken down until they became almost straight lines.

Part 2
The video I chose to discuss is Doodling in Math Class: Stars which explains how you can make factors of star points useful. It was the first video I watched so it completely intrigued me at first glance. The quick drawing with precision and accuracy made the presentation that was displayed appear visually entertaining. When I then looked at what was being said I became even more intrigued since it showed at first how stars can be easily made by using 2 of the same shapes. These shapes included a triangle, which came first, then a square and finally a hexagon. Then she went into factoring these stars and made 1 dimensional stars that correlated to the factors. It was like making factoring, which she said was barely discussed, into a more enlightening scope than a formal one.

Part 3
This video reflects to my math teaching since it can help to make people think outside of the box. Factoring might be simple but there is never a fun way to teach it. By creating stars and then factoring them then factoring can lead children to see the fun in math. People usually remember entertaining teachings but tend to forget the boring ones. It can even lead you to start your own ideas since one perspective can lead to many others. By looking at this video I was able to broaden my understanding of star points where they can be made using regular shapes instead of having to draw every single point one by one. This sort of correlates to Lockharts Lament since this sort of teaching of factoring would make children think and to not see things with a formal approach but a creative one. By doing this, it might spark creativity in them as well making them real mathematicians instead of just the copy and paste ones.