Assignments – Grading Details

Written Assignments (problems from the book):  These will be assigned during the week and due the following Tuesday in class.   They should be completed neatly on paper, with your name, the course number and section, and the section from the book clearly indicated.  If you hand in multiple pages please staple them.  Written assignments will be graded as follows:

  • Odd-numbered problems are worth 3 points unless otherwise indicated.  They will be graded for completion.  (Solutions appear in the back of the book)
  • Even-numbered problems are worth 5 points unless otherwise indicated.  They will be graded for correctness.

WeBWorK Assignments (online): These will be assigned during the week and due the following Tuesday at the end of the day (midnight).  The WeBWorK system checks your answers automatically, and you get points for every part that is correct.

OpenLab Assignments (online): These will be assigned about every two weeks, and you will have 1-2 weeks to complete them.

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