Kesha Documentary

Karina Ramsey

Dr. Carrie Hall

English 1121


Kesha  #MeToo

I am doing a documentary shining light on sexually assault and the some of the people who we as the next generation look up to, who has been sexual assaulted. Sometimes we look at these people and at their lives like it’s all sunshine and rainbows, but in reality, they go through a lot of things as well because at the end of the day we are all human. The pop culture artifact that I’m basing my project of off is Kesha. Kesha was sexually assaulted by her music producer Dr. Luke. In my opinion I think that people who feel like they have “power” over someone else, they like to abuse their “power” and do horrible things with that power. However, this power that they have is their own self-given power. Kesha wrote a song called praying where she addresses the fact that this man is a monster and she’s is praying that he gets better and that he doesn’t do what he did to her, to someone else. She also shows in the video for this song how lonely she was dealing with this situation by herself. I will also be highlighting some celebrities who have gone through similar situations, that many people wouldn’t have think when though something like this. Far too often people are afraid to talk about this because it’s hard to and they are in the public eye. In light of this #MeTooMovement we have seen many celebrities and regular people come out with stories about how they were sexually assaulted and now they are trying to get justices against the people who sexually abuse them.

I started out my documentary with this powerful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’” I used this quote because it speaks to the strength of the woman and men who are brave and were able to look these monsters in the face that sexually assaulted them and say I’ve been through this, I survived, and now I want justice. I provided statistics of SexualAssault in the United States to show that this happens far too often, and the more people who come forward the better it is for the little boys and girls who are growing up in this world. I then went on to talk about Kesha and her case with Dr. Luke. I spoke about the facts of the cases presented in court and the reason why Kesha was really suing Dr. Luke. However, over the course of my research, I have come to realize that many people don’t believe Kesha’s story, especially when Dr. Luke has very compelling evidence that he has presented in court. I made it a point to say that if Kesha is telling the truth I hope she gets the justice is deserves. However, in the case that she is fabricating her story, I hope that this situation doesn’t prevent other brave human being from coming forward in hopes of getting justice for themselves.






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