Research Memo

In my research, I found different resources that can help victims of rape. There is National Sexual assault Hotline and chat. They are open to calls and to talk 24/7. The number is 800-656-HOPE(4673). Calling this number gives you access to a trained staff that will help you find a local health facility that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault. They also help you talk through what happend and speak about your next step towards healing and recovery. They also give you information about the laws in your community and basic information about medical concerns. Everything you say through the phone is confidential.


    I also found out what the different that there are is  sexual assault forensic exam also called Rape kit. This exam can only be performed by some who is trained to do this exam and it can help the police if you report the incident. The length of  exam can take a few hours depending on you condition. The rape kit consist of bags paper sheet for evidence, comb, documentation forms, envelops, instructions, materials for blood samples, and swabs. If you were to go get this exam it should be done within 72 hours in order for it to be analyzed by a crime lab. Also make sure you do not bath, shower, use the restroom, change of clothes, comb hair, and clean up the area because it can damage the evidence. When doing the exam the first check and take care of any injuries the need immediate attention. They then ask about what medications you take if you taking any and your health history. They then do a head-to-toe examination. If you a minor the doctor or who is perform the examination may be obligated to report the law enforcement. After that there a follow up care like prevention treatment of STIs. If you don’t feel comfortable do all these you can stop or skips step it all depends on you and don’t cost any money to do.

I also found different trauma-focused therapies that can help you cope or move in life. For instance Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged-Exposure therapy ,and Eye-movement desensitization reprocessing. These help you calm and soothe yourself and increase your awareness of your inner strengths and outside resources. Also, process your memories and challenge yourself to reconnect an ddo non-dangerous things you have been avoiding since the traumatic events. You also challenge your thinking so you mentally be healthy. It reduces symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD. It also helps you to able to push relationships with others, go out and be social, and be more positive and be in a stable mood. Also making meaning to what happened and come to terms with how it affect you and your family.    






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