Hey everyone, read over Unit Four (under UNITS at the top of this page) and for Tuesday, write (and post on OpenLab) a proposal for what you intend to do for the project. Remember that you will be switching AUDIENCE and GENRE for this revision. I want you to write at least 600 words for this project. I do count spoken words as writing. I also want it to have some visual component– photos, moving images, etc…
Your proposal should tell me:
- Which unit you are revising
- What new audience you think you would like to reach
- What genre you want to write in (this should be a DRASTIC change– like, change mediums, from essay to video, or from video to comic book.)
- What you plan to do!
The proposal doesn’t have to be too long– 150 words or so. And if you’re not quite sure what you want to do in all of those four categories above yet, that’s fine– but you should know most of them, and have some options for the ones you are still unsure about.
Think of this as a new project– that is, this grade has nothing to do with your original grade for whatever project you’re revising. It won’t replace the original grade.
If you are unhappy with your grade on any of the units, you are welcome to revise those units, but that’s separate.