Kaylee’s Inflation Blog

Throughout the last couple of years the restaurant industry has suffered an immense loss of revenue and high costs due to unforeseeable circumstances that have affected the country. The NYT article  “That Dinner Tab Has Soared. Here Are All the Reasons.” describes the causes of inflation that has forced restaurants to scale down on their menus and workers. The prices of many ingredients that restaurants use in their popular dishes like beef and pork, scallops, cooking oil, and flour have skyrocketed leaving restaurants having to raise their prices almost double the original amount.The article states that Mr. Moffett “raised the price on the restaurant’s Korean beef with crispy rice to $16. In 2019, just before the pandemic, it cost about $12”. As a customer, this has made me feel conflicted and more unwilling to dine out. These circumstances have contributed to many restaurants closing down. The war between Russia and the Ukraine has caused shortages and impacted trade on key ingredients that the food industry relies on like wheat and sunflower oil, which has also led to increased prices. Another issue crippling the restaurant industry is climate change and droughts that has caused certain harvests of grains, veggies, fruits and wines to be interrupted and unpredictable, causing these products to be unavailable to serve in their dishes. I feel it is crucial that the United States becomes self-sufficient and relies on its own resources and not depend on others so we can learn to survive on our own.

Based on the article, “That Dinner Tab has soared. Here are the reasons…” by New York Times. After the pandemic inflation had a huge impact on everything, which included restaurants, retail stores, grocery stores, etc. Even regular utilizes that are within the restaurant industry, the prices had skyrocketed up and stayed there, if anything they are just going to keep going up. All the prices that skyrocket came in a domino effect as explained in the article, since there is a shortage of workers, then there’s even fewer workers in the industry behind that one and so on. The same way everything went up, so did the food prices, drastically if I may add, a dish that may have been on the menu before the pandemic may have been in the single digits are now in the double digits. Which I totally stand by, in my opinion, I think all the changes and prices have been justified. I think that because if you don’t raise your prices up either, there is no way you could stay open, you’re basically getting no profit out of it and if that’s the case then you will eventually have to close up your business. Although, I do suggest to make sure that whatever you are charging your customers is worth it. 

Jenifer fermin

After reading the New York Times article “that dinner tab has soared”, I was very stressed. Inflation has affected North Carolina, charlotte in so many ways starting with restaurants having to take items on their menu because they are too expensive to keep. For example, some items from the restaurant Good Food’s menu that included beef or pork had to be taken off because they were too expensive, but not only the price of beef and pork but the price of basic ingredients such as oil and flour have also increased and basic items like flour and oil are difficult to replace or take off because they are in almost every dish. Another big way that inflation has affected the restaurant “Good Food” on Montford is the labor cost. With inflation increasing the prices on ingredients the price of living costs has also gone up. Restaurants are having to pay workers more hourly which also takes a toll on the company’s budget. Overall, In my personal experience this part of the article was very accurate because I’ve also witness many workers in restaurants that I’ve worked at quit because the pay wasn’t enough and the labor is too much or when the company would try to hire more workers they also wouldn’t show up for at least an interview. As someone that has also quit and not shown up for an interview, it’s very hard to get by with little pay and have a labor-intensive job. Restaurants are really struggling everywhere.

Khara Inot

According to Farrell (2022), The prices of Menu’s across the country are increasing. This article focuses on one restaurant in particular called “Good Food” in Charlotte, N.C. The author explains that due to inflation as well as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine restaurant businesses are left with no choice but to rack up menu prices as well as seek out different, more affordable alternatives in selling their dishes. Cooking oil costs for instance, have risen up majorly due to Russia and Ukraine being most of the worlds sunflower oil providers. Not only are menus being affected, but so are other components in the whole restaurant business, from utilities, dinnerware, equipment and maintenance, drinks, as well as labor costs. All these various departments have been growing in expenses because a lot of the products and necessities needed to run the restaurant are all exported, which ends up taking a toll on the entire businesses funds.

After reading the article I have come to understand the importance of every single part in a business because everything connects and creates a chain reaction on how well the business does. Whether it’s big or small it’s crucial to pay attention to all the components in the restaurant as well as become aware of how you outsource the products you buy and it’s origin.

Halima Sadia

The article talks about rising cost of running a restaurant encompassing all fields that pertains to it. Beginning from the shortage and backlog of essential products due to war, pandemic, thereafter the shortage of proper labor force. The combined effect of rising cost of running day to day operation paired with hiking cost of rent and maintenance has driven out multiple businesses. In some restaurants menu items are raised in price to combat this situation in others the owners just decided to eat the rising cost. In this particular post the owner of Good Food restaurant, Mr. Moffett and his Chefs have decided to combine an effort of raising their prices as well as adjusting their menus to include more items that are affordable and exclude the items that will not reflect the nature or price of their business anymore. The options of choices have been reduced as well to maintain a firm grip on not only product ordering and wastage but also labor.

The stark difference between the price tag of any culinary experience is noticed remarkably before and after the pandemic that has changed the mentality of work force, supply chain and product availability. The continual rise of prices with no end in sight keeps affecting not only the culinary world but also our daily life. The procurement of products has become either very expensive or unattainable in today’s market of globalization where we are heavily depended on other countries for basic products. Much like Mr. Moffett I share his dream of the silver lining of creating a more sustainable products, supple chain and labor in future, when we are on the other side of this era of change.

David Siguencia

Let me get started by saying, to write a blog about a restaurant, you’ll have to look at the customer’s point of view. Knowing that the prices went up at a restaurant I used to go to is wild, a shocker. These prices were as low as 1 digit to 2 digits, like the Beef Strip Loin, 9$ to 14$, INSANE. Not only that, but if I’m going to pay these ridiculous prices, i better be getting my money’s worth. You are not gonna charge me near 50$ for a plate that makes me think about eating at Applebee’s. Now that their point of view is over, let us talk about the owner’s point of view. The restaurant prices are going up because of how low the amount of staff we have but also the demand for certain products has skyrocketed. It is a bit reasonable to charge more for certain meals, based on the demand it takes to make that 1 meal, like the ingredients. It’s like we’ll have to work around their pricing because it isn’t the right temperature for certain produce or because of a war that’s going on and the shortage they have of that one thing. With this said, this has been my review/ blog of the article and my personal opinion about it. One thing I suggest is to “Meet at the Middle”. As in, try to find a way to benefit both the restaurant and the customers, there is no reason to boost up the prices if there will be no customers to pay for them. 

Brenda Cabrera

According to the New York Times, the article “That Dinner Tab Has Soared. Here Are All the Reasons.” Let’s understand a little more about the dynamics of the food and beverage industry and how its concept has been affected by the pandemic. With the pandemic and many other events such as climate change and wars around the world, New York City, like many other places, has been tremendously affected with demands and shortage that have forced prices to increase not only in the restaurants but also in our essential needs. Some of the examples are cooking oil, proteins such as beef and pork, kitchen utensils such as the refrigerator and even staff. Moffett states in the article that “there is a shortage of truck drivers. There is a shortage of people working in factories. There is a shortage of people working in the fields.” All this affects inflation because without people these essential workers not only it is difficult to obtain the resources but also to maintain them since no one is looking out for them. Therefore, in my opinion, when I think about inflation it’s something that wouldn’t surprise me, but it’s definitely something that we need to be more concerned about and how to find solutions for it before this issue becomes impossible to resolve.

Anthony Caliendo Blog

In the article “that dinner tab has soared, here all the reasons”, my opinion on this is that I find it unbelievable on how the prices in restaurants and takeout places have raised a lot, especially here in New York City over the last few years due to the inflation situation happening in the country. But in this article, it reveals on how much the ingredients, supplies and other tools have increased in price that of course makes the food in the kitchen and on the menu to rise as well like the whole bread that costs six dollars at the restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina but then the same type of bread would only cost somewhere between 2-5 dollars in a local deli or supermarket and as well as the flour and scallops that saw a 10-11 dollar increase in only 3 years. My experience on this situation is that I have noticed a lot of food places in the areas I live in or near by, lots of the items on the menu have raised at least anywhere between 50 cents to almost 2 dollars and with beverages that use to cost anywhere from 1.00-1.50 to now costing at least near 2-3 dollars. In the article the owner “Mr. Moffet” also does try to make the blame on the shortage of staff in the factories and fields as the employment rate in North Carolina is pretty hard to hire and keep people due to poor pay wages and working conditions.

Daniel Jung

According to a recent New York Times article titled “That Dinner Tab Has Soared. Here Are All the Reasons,” the prices of dining out have skyrocketed due to inflation. This article, in particular, reveals a shocking increase in ingredient prices. Inflation in New York City has caused the prices of essentially everything to increase; from basic ingredients like canola oil and flour to equipment/maintenance and utility bills. I have personally noticed the effects of inflation around my life when dining out for dinner with friends. My friends and I tend to dine at restaurants that we are familiar with and have noticed that the prices of the dishes that we would typically order have become slightly more expensive than they used to be. Personally, I believe that I would get very annoyed when I see something that I purchase regularly increase in price. An example of inflation’s impact is shown at a restaurant named “Good Food on Montford,” when beef and pork particularly skyrocketed in price. Mr. Moffett, the owner of the restaurant, states that the pressing demand for workers are to blame for the sudden rise in price for beef and pork. Mr. Moffett lays the blame on the shortage of truck drivers, people working in the factories, and the people working in the fields.

Brianna King Blog

In this article it talks about this Restaurant and how the owner was raising the prices because due to the pandemic and all of his customers were shocked about the prices was high, this one customer Sarah Holshhouler she was complaining about how she got this dish or whatever and it wasn’t like a fully fully dish it wasn’t enough food it was like a small dish and when she got the bill she was surprised that her bill was high what she thought it will be. Mr Moffett intentions was never to rise his prices but he was forced to because of his soaring expenses so this made him to have to upgrade his prices. I’m my opinion I fell like it was a good idea to rise his prices after everything we been through like the pandemic and stuff it shouldn’t be a surprise to people. Also inflation makes it harder to get the same items for the same price.