Author Archives: David S

Greenmarket Blog Post

Well, the greenmarket we went to was located in 103rd St Roosevelt Avenue on a Friday, around 12:00pm. “We?”, Yes “we”, I asked my friend if he can come with me to see what this is and let me tell you, it wasn’t what I had in mind. I expect a greenhouse for some reason, but it ended up being those little houses and vegetables underneath them. You would see lots of greens and other colors too, even vegetables with different colors rather than their usual original colors. For example, purple carrots and purple potatoes, I don’t know about you but that to me was new to see. Based on, the carrots, apples, beets, onions, peppers, and so much more, was in season, which explains why I saw most of what’s on the list, at the greenmarket. I forgot to mention, there was about maybe 2 stands just for apples. Apples that were green, red, and mixed between yellow-ish orange. There was even some drink called Apple Cider, which we bought a pint of. The taste was pretty much Apple Juice, but it was more organic, if that makes sense. I was familiar with mostly everything there but just the newly colored vegetables that I mentioned before. The prices seemed reasonable, with it being fresh and all. As in, it wasn’t packaged in a plastic bag but brought in by a box, “what’s the difference?” I’m not sure but when I worked in a market, distributing produce, the ones from the box seemed better and real, rather than going to get something fast and simple in a supermarket. The whole thing was great and something I would look forward to go to when buying produce for some recipe. One thing I loved was the Apple Cider, even though I never tried it, it was good and really fresh, like if you can taste the skin of the apple.
    Also, I’ll be using Peppers as a vegetable I will be focusing on, it’s just something about the different colors and how it’s used it almost most Spanish dishes for flavor. By the way, I mean all peppers, meaning from Bell Peppers to Chili Peppers. There’s not much in the brochure but when searching online “where do peppers come from?”, the results that come up is Tropical America. The fact that you may see it diced or strips, sometimes used in a dip, or even charred if you want to, I think peppers deserve a little bit of recognition in this culinary game.

“The Way of All Flesh” Meat Blog

When reading the first few paragraphs, you don’t just get your simple introduction, but you start off the bat with the whole process and troubles with meats. The whole cattle, which is cow, being bruised and how the drivers are crazy drivers. Then getting to the middle, the protagonist is getting better with identifying the meats and has managed to learn about knife skills with meats. They start talking about the knife itself, the sharpening process and how it is a whole different skill in addition to knife skills. Near the end, the protagonist is at work, as they were the whole time, and they are noticing patterns with the animal meats. How several livers in a row had abscesses and the meat being hard to cut, but also severed heads growing in size.

This is the gist, or summary if you may, of the story in which in my opinion, is better in a graphic novel than just reading words. What I’ve learned about meats is how much work is put it in. The cutting, the measurements, the deliver, and the list goes on and on. But it’s all for a great cause, to get the meats from the factories to your nearest supermarket or restaurant. I love how they care for the meat and all, just for them to be killed and eaten by others, it’s just a bit comical. This does makes you think about what you’re eating and how much work was put into it, makes you appreciate the process to have it in your table and the care for it satisfy your needs when eating.

David Siguencia

Let me get started by saying, to write a blog about a restaurant, you’ll have to look at the customer’s point of view. Knowing that the prices went up at a restaurant I used to go to is wild, a shocker. These prices were as low as 1 digit to 2 digits, like the Beef Strip Loin, 9$ to 14$, INSANE. Not only that, but if I’m going to pay these ridiculous prices, i better be getting my money’s worth. You are not gonna charge me near 50$ for a plate that makes me think about eating at Applebee’s. Now that their point of view is over, let us talk about the owner’s point of view. The restaurant prices are going up because of how low the amount of staff we have but also the demand for certain products has skyrocketed. It is a bit reasonable to charge more for certain meals, based on the demand it takes to make that 1 meal, like the ingredients. It’s like we’ll have to work around their pricing because it isn’t the right temperature for certain produce or because of a war that’s going on and the shortage they have of that one thing. With this said, this has been my review/ blog of the article and my personal opinion about it. One thing I suggest is to “Meet at the Middle”. As in, try to find a way to benefit both the restaurant and the customers, there is no reason to boost up the prices if there will be no customers to pay for them.Â