After reading The Way of All Flesh” by Ted Conover I fell bad because I like meat and especially beef and it just so disturbing about how they deal with meat. Also Ted talk about his trials inspecting cattle carcasses talk about how all the animals go though like the killing part that makes cow food. It was just a lot that went though my mind of how these poor animals was getting slaughtered like that I mean I knew that how meat is made by the animal and how they gotta kill it and all of that crazy stuff but I don’t know after reading the article I kinda feel skeptical about eating meat now especially beef because of the way they are slaughtering these animals it just so sad.

1 thought on “MEAT BLOG

  1. Michael Krondl

    Well if you want to eat meat you need to acknowledge that you’re eating a dead animal. Personally, I’m more concerned how the animal lived and died than about the details of the post-slaughter process.


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