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Assignment 2W

Questions: What the “right to be forgotten” means for privacy in a digital age

1. If someone has a past criminal record link on Google can they ask that link to be dropped, depending on the crime?

2. If European digital privacy transferred into the U.S as a similar form, would the internet have more boundaries?

3. How long would the process of taking down links for rights to privacy in the U.S take?

Questions: Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past

1. Should Journalists make conscious decisions of whether or not their articles are worth publishing, before doing so in order to eliminate conflict with readers?

2. If more articles like Gawkers for example were taken down, would the world be losing valuable information?

3. If Journalists do not inform readers before taking down an article, how would they possibly react?

Assignment 2W Newman and Seaman Questions

Questions for What “the right to be forgotten” means for privacy in a digital age by  Abraham L. Newman

1.  Is it possible that European digital privacy can also be done in the United States?

2.For a government, such as the U.S., that’s supposed to be ‘by the people, for the people’, why does it seem so difficult for our government to protect ‘the people’? Why does it seem on many occasions to give free reign to the (third party) organizations over its citizens?

3.Why is it so difficult for the United States to follow suit with the more “customer friendly” European laws regarding the “right to be forgotten” privacy movements?

Questions for ” Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past” by Andrew Seaman

1.How often and in what time span would retractions have to run for?

2. Can we really trust companies to make the decisions on what should be removed when their ethics may not align with ours?

3. Do you think it was right for CEO Denton to request removal of this article just because it didn’t “align with the website’s values” ?


Assignment 2W

Questions for “Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past”

  1. Have you ever seriously considered what kinds of articles journalists have the right to publish? If so, give an example.  If not, why?
  2. What do you think the consequences of not following journalism ethics could mean for a news entity?
  3. Do you think Gawker did the correct thing in removing the article and why?

Questions for “What the “right to be forgotten” means in the digital age”

  1. Do you think the “right to be forgotten” is a good measure in ensuring privacy of peoples information?
  2. How do you think the “right to be forgotten’ effects companies free speech?
  3. Do you think the U.S. will eventually adopt this method?

Assignment 2W questions

Newman article questions

1. According to the article, What the “right to be forgotten” means for privacy in a digital age is privacy dead?

2. In contrast to the European system, what is America’s approach to privacy regulation?

3. In what aspect is data protection international?


Seaman article questions

1.According to Gawker Media’s staff, who’s decision was it to remove the first story and why was the story that was published removed?

2. Removing or un publishing stories has what affect on the public?

3. According to’s Mona Chalabi on NPR, how many people in total in Europe asked Google to remove information about them from search results?

Assignment 2W


What was the purpose of Jordan Sargent to embarrass an executive when he posted the story?

Can someone sue if they have a story published on them that is not real?

Do all journalist websites explain why they removed a story?


Why did google only accept 40% of the requests?

Why does the U.S not have “the right to be forgotten”?

So who exactly is in charge of the right to be forgotten because they called it a trend?

The influence of corporate interest

In todays society many companies have an interest to defend themselves. In order to so they usually find a way to cover the public eye by taking the main focus of what they are hiding. I have heard for a while now about this but never tried to look up some examples of it. in reading this article I seen that in order for companies to make you make you have an opinion which coincides with their interest they push this through bombarding the common reader with social media or whatever form which one would see all over the internet what they want you to see only. in this article I seen the major difference of how mainstream news shows you things that independent news sites you would see in a whole new light. this now shows me that in order to get the full tory behind any event one should exhaust all resources to understand what is happening in the world.

Assignment #3B. Reading Response Blog

In my opinion I believe that people should have the right to be forgotten and it doesn’t impose on our 1st amendment right of free speech. In a world that people’s lives are becoming increasingly less private due to social networks and the Internet footprints we leave, I believe that a person should be able to erase there cyber footprint by erasing there searches and content that they have put on the Internet. Due to the fact that anything uploaded and posted to the Internet doesn’t get erased actions commuted by someone during their adolescents can be dug up and used against them later on in there life,which isn’t fair. Although we have freedom of speech, we live in a world where a persons worlds can be misconstrued and twisted to be used against others in a harmful way. There have been many example of politicians, celebrities, and public figures that have had old tweets, Pictures, and Facebook post from their past used against them to discredit them and many of these times it results in to public slander and a loss of theirs jobs and sponsorship’s.

Assignment #2B Reading Response Blog

Corporate interest plays a intricate part in the information we, the people receive on a day to day basis. One example of this is the news that we receive on a daily basis about celebrities and pop culture figures. Due to major corporations trying to protect investments made into these specific people, in the past stars public person were more sheltered by corporations, which we large record companies like Sony music Group or Universal records. But now in the  age of media outlets such as TMZ and media takeout artist and socialites are more vulnerable then ever to be exposed for being the person they truly are instead of the persona cultivated by marketing teams at trier respective record labels. One example of this is Justin Bieber’s various run in with the laws and sketchy acts that he’s done in the past few year. Due to negative social media attentions he’s received, he lost sponsorship’s as well as the squeaky clean image he created for himself, these are things artist from past generations didn’t have to encounter.

Assignment #1B Reading Response Blog

Though out my years I’ve always been and avid reader, weather It was reading a newspaper article for me to do a current events paper in the 5th grade or weather I was skimming though one of my favorite hip hop websites to read an album review that was just released. One thing I’ve noticed about myself is the way I perceive digital articles in comparison to articles printed in a newspapers, books, and magazines. Being that many of us millennials have grown up children of the Internet age I personally find more validity in Printed works because of the plight it takes for a piece of written content to make it to print in comparison to digital articles that are published by many websites just in order to keep up with the mayhem of content continuously being flooded onto the Internet. Although I love the honesty that is provided in pieces written on digital platforms, for some reason I put more trust in major Publications because I feel like there are obligated to provide the truth and the people that work for them are some of the best taste makers in their field. Call me insane but in my opinion the digital still hasn’t caught up to Print in my eyes.

Assignment 2B

The internet and online services like Facebook and Twitter have changed the way people communicate. Mainstream media outlets are found on television, radio and newspapers. They include TV channels networks. Therefore, their media sources are generally easy to find. The article I found as an example was “What’s the Number 1 Threat to Security? No One Is Asking Trump or Clinton?” by the article is about the very first threat was the nuclear weapons threat. The nuclear weapons threat was in the headlines all summer, and they really do not want to answer the question because it is a reality.