Category Archives: Uncategorized

Assignment 2W


  1. Should the United States follow European lead of encrypting data that they receive before its release on the internet?
  2. If someone requests a delinking of their information, should their information be allowed to be removed globally?
  3. Do you believe the negatives things of peoples lives, should be available for the work to view?


  1. True or False. Once you delete something it’s gone for good?
  2. Should news organization’s unpublising policy become a law of journalism?
  3. If the new organization does delete or unpublished a story, should the news organization apologize for that error? If so, who should make that apologize?


Assignment 2W

Questions for Seaman’s article:

  1. Do you believe Gawker was right to remove their article? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think are some of the ethics associated with journalism?
  3. Once something is removed from the internet, do you think it’s completely gone or can it be accessed again? If so, how?

Questions for Newman’s article:

  1. Why or why not should the right to be forgotten be enforced in the U.S?
  2. Do you agree with Europe’s right to be forgotten law?
  3. How can Europe’s right to be forgotten law be taken advantage of?

Assignment 2W


  1. What is the contrast between the U.S. and European privacy policy?
  2. How does the U.S. differentiate between Europe regarding the way peoples credit scores are displayed when accessed?
  3. What kind of impact has “the Right to be Forgotten” had on consumers?


  1. Do you believe it was right for’s CEO Nick Denton to remove the story?
  2. Do you think writing an “addendum” to the archived story was the best thing to do? Why?
  3. When people request for their information to be taken off of search sites such as Google, are they really non-existent from the internet thereafter?



Newman and Seaman


  1. Do you think that bloggers should still suffer the consequences even if they unpublished/removed the story?
  2. Do you believe the authenticity of any story on a blog site?
  3. Do these blog sites consider the person (victim) feelings before posting inaccurate or personal stories about them?


  1. What is the difference between the U.S and European privacy policy?
  2. Was the 2014 lawsuit regarding the credit report agencies resolved? How was the problem solved?
  3. As long as technology (Digital age) continues to accelerate will and information on the internet ever be  really private?

Assignment 2w

Assignment 2W Article Questions

Questions for What the “Right to be Forgotten” Means for Privacy in a Digital Age?

  • Which privacy type is better for America?
  • Why United States focused on privacy rules?
  • What are the differences between Europe and America privacy policy?

Questions for Learning From Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past?

  • Do you think is it really easy to erase the past with one click?
  • Why people need to erase their past from Google?
  • How long does it take to take the link down for human rights to privacy in the world?





Assignment 2W


1. Where can we draw the line as to what should be allowed to be taken down from search engines?

2. If there was a small fee remove the links from the search engines, can the removal of the links be used to create more jobs?

3.  How can the removal of personal information on search engines affect businesses or personal life in the future?


1.  What can journalists do to ensure they are able to find information quickly enough to be able to post ground breaking stories quickly?

2. Is it better to remove the story entirely or edit it based on new information?

3. What should news sites or papers do when someone’s personal life is damaged due to hasty false information in an article?


Newman: the “right to be forgotten”.

  1. Do you think the “right to be forgotten” should be broken up into different categories?
  2. Is it better to keep sensitive information on file in a City Hall or Library than on a search engine?
  3. Do you think that striker rules and regulations should be used to implement the “right to be forgotten”?

Seaman: Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past.

  1. Do you think that an article or story should remain published or taken down when there is no truth to it?
  2. Do you think journalists should be given a strick code of conduct in terms of writing and publishing stories that they must adhere by?
  3. Do you think that if a mistake should occur that not only the journalist, but the company also should give an account?

Assignment 2W

Questions for What the “Right to be Forgotten” Means for Privacy in a Digital Age?
  1. Which privacy policy do you believe works best, Europe’s or America’s? Or neither?
  2. Should corporations be involved in the regulation process?
  3. Do you believe that in this digital age there is a way to keep, if not all, most of our information private?
Questions for Learning From Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past
  1. Should executives or journalists have the final say on whether an article should be removed?
  2. According to the article, less than half of newsrooms have a policy for unpublishing articles, why do you think that is?
  3. Are there any news sources or journalists that you trust? That you don’t trust?

Assignment 2W: Article Questions


  1. Since companies now have responsibility in protecting individual’s privacy. Why did the European Court not work with these companies to better establish the “right to be forgotten” rule?
  2. How can France know if individuals improved their credit report if only the negative information is shown?
  3. If a European individual wanted to buy products in the U.S. How can companies know of their past patterns, if they don’t have access to it?


  1. Why did Gawker not have a guideline on what articles represent their values?
  2. In the U.S. companies can hide information from individuals, why can’t this same right be given to individuals?
  3. Does creating an explanation of a company’s mistake help the person who was affected? How can we better help those who the stories were about?

Assignment 2W-Newman and Seaman

Questions from: What the “right to be forgotten” means for privacy in a digital age?
1)-Why corporations could buy, sell or share people’ personal information without their consent?

2)-How is it possible that the United States find it hard to adopt the same privacy policies as Europe?

3)-How one can assure that their personal information remains private and that a company would erase the information as soon as their account is deleted?

Questions from: Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past
1)-As mistakes happen in publications, why should unproven information be published information?

2)-Do journalists think about the consequences of publishing unverified information?

3)-Do you really think removing an online false article with no explanation would hurt a newspaper’ credibility?