Anne Leonard’s Profile

Active 2 weeks, 2 days ago
Anne Leonard
Display Name
Anne Leonard
Coordinator of Information Literacy & Library Instruction

My Courses

OpenLab Sandbox

Open­Lab Sand­box

Sand­box course for Open­Lab work­shops

ENG1101 Model Course

EN­G1101 Model Course

This is a model course for ENG 1101

LIB2205ARCH2205 Learning Places, FA2015

LIB2205ARCH2205 Learn­ing Places, FA2015

This spe­cial top­ics course of­fers an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary ap­proach to in­ves­ti­gat­ing our built en­vi­ron­ment using a case study fo­cused on a spe­cific place each se­mes­ter. This course com­bines phys­i­cal ex­am­i­na­tion with in­for­ma­tion re­search and data col­lec­tion using method­olo­gies de­vel­oped in mul­ti­ple dis­ci­plines. Stu­dents from a va­ri­ety of de­part­ments en­gage in on-site ex­plo­ration and in-depth re­search of a lo­ca­tion in New York City.

LIB/ARCH 2205ID-D930 Learning Places Spring 2020

LIB/ARCH 2205ID-D930 Learn­ing Places Spring 2020

This spe­cial top­ics course of­fers an in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary ap­proach to in­ves­ti­gat­ing our built en­vi­ron­ment using a case study fo­cused on a spe­cific place each se­mes­ter. This course com­bines phys­i­cal ex­am­i­na­tion with in­for­ma­tion re­search and data col­lec­tion using method­olo­gies de­vel­oped in mul­ti­ple dis­ci­plines. Stu­dents from a va­ri­ety of de­part­ments en­gage in on-site ex­plo­ration and in-depth re­search of a lo­ca­tion in New York City. Fac­ulty from the Li­brary and Ar­chi­tec­tural Tech­nol­ogy De­part­ments are teach­ing the course this se­mes­ter, and will thus focus course ma­te­r­ial through a lens of ar­chi­tec­ture, urban stud­ies, and in­for­ma­tion stud­ies.



This site is a Model Course for the Li­brary De­part­ment’s LIB2205ID course.

My Projects

City Tech Library Buzz Blog

City Tech Li­brary Buzz Blog

This is the City Tech Ur­sula C. Schw­erin Li­brary Blog, Li­brary Buzz

The Open Road

The Open Road

The Open Road is our place to high­light all that’s pos­si­ble on the Open­Lab. Join now to keep up on Open­Lab news, events, and up­dates. Check our weekly In the Spot­light posts for a glimpse into the in­cred­i­ble work being done by City Tech stu­dents, fac­ulty, and staff. Fol­low Open­Lab News for an­nounce­ments and site up­dates. And see our Open­Lab Cal­en­dar for of­fice hours, events, and work­shops. You can find our work­shop sched­ule and signup for work­shops here as well. The Open Road is also a place for the Open­Lab com­mu­nity (mean­ing you!). We would love your feed­back, in­sight, and com­ments. Please send along any­thing on the Open­Lab that you love! We are al­ways avail­able for any ques­tions you might have. Email us any­time at open­lab@​citytech.​cuny.​edu!

Office of the Provost

Of­fice of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Aca­d­e­mic Af­fairs In­for­ma­tion

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab

Open Ped­a­gogy on the Open­Lab

The pur­pose of this pro­ject is to cre­ate a forum to ask ques­tions, gen­er­ate dis­cus­sion, and share teach­ing ma­te­ri­als, re­sources, and ideas about teach­ing and learn­ing on the Open­Lab. Avatar image: “The open door” by hehaden.

OER at City Tech

OER at City Tech

This site show­cases OER at City Tech and shares in­for­ma­tion for the com­mu­nity to learn more and get in­volved.

My Clubs

Theatreworks City Tech

The­atre­works City Tech

The­atre­works, the res­i­dent the­atre com­pany at New York City Col­lege of Tech­nol­ogy, is com­posed of stu­dents, alumni, fac­ulty, staff and com­mu­nity mem­bers. Founded in 1974, The­atre­works has been rec­og­nized in the media and the­ater cir­cles for its com­mit­ment to pro­fes­sion­al­ism in per­for­mance, tech­nol­ogy and the ad­vance­ment of mul­ti­cul­tural cast­ing and crews in plays, videos, mu­si­cals, dance and other events. This unique ap­proach to the­atre has given The­atre­works city­wide recog­ni­tion and an au­di­ence from the greater New York area. The­atre­works is now per­form­ing in the state-of-the-art Voorhees The­atre, where a haunted hotel, the Gravesend Inn, has opened each Oc­to­ber to hun­dreds of spec­ta­tors for over 13 years. Each spring se­mes­ter a res­i­dent group is hosted on cam­pus to work with the The­atre­works stu­dents. Stu­dent tech­ni­cians re­ceive valu­able train­ing by par­tic­i­pat­ing in the light­ing, sound, cos­tume, video, pub­lic­ity and scenery crews for per­for­mances each year. The­atre­works alumni can be found in the pro­fes­sional the­ater, in tele­vi­sion and con­cert venues, and work­ing with many the­ater-re­lated com­pa­nies in their re­spec­tive com­mu­ni­ties. For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about The­atre­works, call Pro­fes­sor Chip Scott in the En­ter­tain­ment Tech­nol­ogy Of­fice in the Voorhees Build­ing, room V 205, at 718.260.5590 or email cscott@​citytech.​cuny.​edu