Maram Awadh Media Share 4

  1. A instagram account filled with pictures of feces
  2. Coughing cat-
  3. A picture of a egg that broke the record of likes-
  4. A influcencer using a shoe to put her makeup on-
  5. A pedestrain getting hit by a train

2 thoughts on “Maram Awadh Media Share 4”

  1. Maram,
    This is great, but I bet you can make your list a few items longer. Anyway, for now here’s my sub-lists:

    Bodily functions:
    –feces Insta
    –Coughing cat
    –using a shoe to put on make-up

    –coughing cat
    –picture of egg
    –using a shoe to put make-up on

    –feces insta
    –pedestrian getting hit by train

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