Alexandria Dorato// Media Share 1

For my intro, I am going to use the song “Live Your Life” by T.I. feat Rihanna. I wanted to throw it back with this song because i use to always jam out to it when i was a little girl and by listening to it just made me so excited for the future. This song expands on the fact that you should be thankful about your life and how you should stop worrying about the little things. One of my favorite lines from the song is “hey, never mind what haters say, ignore ’em til they fade away”. There are some people that could be haters that just want to see you lose because they are jealous or insecure. That is why you have to ignore the negative people in your life and just live life to the fullest because at the end of the day, it is your own self who wants to succeed. Life is what you make of it, so negativity should never get in the way of your dreams. No one can change who you are except you and it is you who makes the choices to do that. This song is positive and it tells me to look forward to my future because it is me who is shaping it, no one else.

4 thoughts on “Alexandria Dorato// Media Share 1”

  1. Alexandria, hey–thanks for this. I love Rihanna, so I’ll have to revisit this track with TI. As I read your post, I find myself wishing it were possible for me to ignore all the haters in the world; sometimes I seem capable of this, but other times I’m not so good at it. (I also fear that sometimes maybe I myself turn into a ‘hater’ when I get mad or annoyed by something…). Curious if you have any thoughts about that. I also want to know more of the details about when you first heard this song and, like, when and where (and with whom) you’d listen to it when you were younger. It seems like maybe there’s some stories there…

  2. I understand what you are saying. Honestly, it is easier said than done to ignore all the haters because personally speaking, I would think to myself “why would someone say that, is there something I have to change about myself”? It doesn’t really have an effect on me so i just brush it off my shoulders but i’ve come to the realization that no matter what you do, someone will always have something to say. That is why I ignore the haters, move on from the negative comment and go on with my day. I would never let someone’s irrelevant comment allow me to have a bad day.

    It’s actually a funny yet embarrassing story the first time that this song really grasped my attention. This girl that was one of my “haters” liked the boy who liked me. Note that this was 7th grade. He asked to be my “boyfriend” or whatever you want to call it at that age one day and she was not too thrilled by that. She started saying rude comments to me and was gossiping to her friends about me. My mom picked me up from school that day and “Live Your Life” started playing. It taught me to ignore her because she was clearly just jealous. To be petty, I posted a picture with my “boyfriend” on instagram with the caption “live your own life and stay out of mine” and i tagged her in the post! I will never forget this iconic moment, my mom and I still look back and laugh at it.

    1. Hi Alexandria,
      I also love this song. It makes me practice positive thinking and start doing things that make me feel like I’m enough. If you think you can change something, you probably will be the one to do it. Thereā€™s nothing better than maturing and knowing that you are enough. All that you have is what God gave you. Nothing more and nothing less. You are no mistake and the mistakes that you do make, help you become the person you were meant to become. There will be so many people who will try to take away your confidence. They will say things like ā€œYou canā€™t do it, or you’re never going to achieve your dreamsā€. The best way to answer them is to show them your success.

  3. Hi Alexandria,
    I also remember listening to this song, its such a throwback. I agree with what you said about negative people, you just have to ignore them and live you life. The more you care about peoples opinion will just make you more unsastified with yourself. I always tell myself that you cant please eveyone in this world so just live your life how you want to and make yourself happy instead of these irrelevant people. I feel like its harder for celebtrities to ignore the haters because theres alotttt of people commenting negative stuff, If you were a celebrity how would you handle the hate comments ? would it be any different to the way you handle them nowadays ?

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