Today we’re taking a break from new material and reviewing the HTML and CSS concepts we’ve covered so far. We’ll be doing this by making a single-page site with design based on an AI-generated image, produced from your choices for the following prompts:
- person (ideally dead and famous for best AI results)
- place
- thing/object
- action
- art/design style
The featured image for this post is Kublai Khan (person) playing (action) a nintendo switch (object) on the NYC subway (place) as a woodblock print (art/design style), to give you an idea of how it’ll work.
HTML Tags/Elements Reviewed:
- <main>
- <figure> and <figcaption>
- <img>
- <h1>
- <ul> and <li>
- <p>
CSS Properties/Concepts Reviewed:
- CSS reset
- margin and padding
- units (px and %)
- width, min-width and max-width
- designing and implementing color schemes
- CSS typography
- custom fonts (via Google Fonts)
Technical Concepts Reviewed:
- directory and file management
- uploading via cPanel
- screenshots and posting to OpenLab
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