
  • Brackets – Required

    Brackets is a free, simple and easy-to-use development environment for windows and mac. It includes code-hinting and other features ideal for beginners. If you already have coding experience and have a program you prefer to use, just check with me first.

  • Cyberduck / FileZilla – Required (choose either)

    These are free, popular programs that let you use file transfer protocol (FTP) to copy/publish your website to its server (the computer that stores the websites data and provides it to visitors)

  • Adobe Photoshop /Illustrator – Recommended

    Not strictly necessary, but still the best tools around for producing and editing graphics. You get free access through CityTech.

  • Adobe Dreamweaver – DO NOT USE

    This is the Comic Sans of web development software, and that’s being nice.


  • Portable USB drive – Required

    USB/Flash drives are good for storing and editing your sites before uploading them to the server. If you don’t already have one you like, I recommend a metal-bodied keychain model like this – tough, economical, and (if you keep it on your keychain) very hard to lose.