Here is a list of figures from digital history to choose from for Site 2: Digital Pioneers. These will be assigned on a first-come, first serve basis.
- Alan Turing (scientist, engineer, used computer to save UK from the Nazis, subject of film The Imitation Game)
- Grace Hopper (admiral, scientist, devised theory of independent programming languages and term “debug”) – Tobrise
- Ada Lovelace (mathematician, invented the concept/method of a programmable computer)
- Ikutaro Kakehashi (engineer, inventor of several electronic instruments, co-creator of MIDI format)
- Vangelis (composer, early adopter/master of synth-driven music, wrote scores for Blade Runner and Chariots of Fire) – Joseth
- Cory Arcangel (artist, hacked/appropriated video game consoles)
- Nam June Paik (artist, creator of “art robots” and founding member of EAT – Emerging Arts in Technology)
- Katherine G. Johnson (mathematician, NASA physicist, subject of film Hidden Figures) – Jasmine
- Susan Kare (designer, created set of standard icons still used today) – Cesar
- A. Michael Noll (artist/inventor, developed first computer graphics programs at Bell Labs)
- William Gibson (writer, invented Steampunk and Cyberpunk genres, conceived of World Wide Web)
- Wayne Sutton (entrepreneur, mentor and promoter of Black representation in US Tech)
- Jonathan Ive (designer, responsible for many of Apple’s most iconic products) – Lyonel
- Wendy Carlos (composer, co-developer of Moog synthesizer, wrote music for multiple Kubrick films includingĀ The Shining) – Anthony
- Robert Moog (musician, inventor, founder of Moog Music, CUNY grad!)
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (interactive/conceptual artist, created a massive networked art installation in Mexico City to celebrate the Millennium) – Kimmerly
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