Sketchbook/Imaginary Ideas

Hi Professor,

I had a problem uploading my 4 sketches on open lab; it says that the image is too big so I uploaded them on my eportfolio instead. I still have yet to do my 3 concept sketches but will do start them in class tomorrow.


Week 7


Today’s Plan:



  • CRITIQUE PROJECT 2 Work in Progress:

Half the Students should hang their 3 concept sketches on the black board for critique.  The second half of the class will hang after to allow for space.

On a post it note write:

  1. Student Name
  2. Client / Event Name

Each student should read each about each project and then examine all of the designs.  Using chalk each student may make 3 marks for each project.  They can have no opinion: 1 make under each sketch.  They can put 2 marks on their favorite and 1 on their next favorite, or they can really love a sketch and put all 3 marks under each.

Discuss the projects and why students felt the way they did. Designers should go with the one they / the instructor likes the best but class feedback should be considered too.

Students should share the drawing challenges they had, (for example having to draw hands ) and the turtorial / advice they researched to help them.

    • Lara’s illustration process and inking tips and tricks. (Students will not ink project 2 until AFTER final drawing is approved but should be practicing)


    • Using traditional drawing materials and / or photoshop improve and refine chosen concept sketch.
    • Try using photoshop to create a photo reference collage.




Project 2 Pencil Drawing- Submit Your Work

Project 2 Overall Assignment:

You’ve been contacted to produce a poster for a special event for a dream client!  Choose a favorite band, show, or cause and represent the feeling of it through skillful design and composition.

Text should be minimal and complementary to the Illustration, which should be the focus of the project.

  • Choose something you truly care about.
  • The cause or event can be a real or made-up.
  • The copy can be real or made up.
  • The subject is totally up to you.

Final art needs to be black-and-white and 11″ x 17″.


DUE next week:

  • Refine the best of your 3 concept drawings into a finished pencil drawing.  This is the last stage of project development before you fully render the illustration.  The drawing should represent the very best you are capable of.  Any drawing “issues” should be solved through careful research, reference, and tutorials.  You do not need to shade.
  • Draw on you best paper. Your illustration board, or 180 lb drawing paper.  Use marking tape to mask your edges off. Draw as large as possible on the page, while still maintaining proportion.
  • 11 x17 300 dpi JPEG file must be uploaded to DROPBOX for grading by 2pm 3/26
  • Students must bring an 11 x17 PRINTED copy for in class critique
  • Students must have their jpeg file on them for in class work next week.

Upload Project 2 Pencil Drawing Here for Grading

Submit Your Work




Field trip post

Img Of illustration

Information about the illustration

The reason i chose this illustration is because it depicts something i relate to which is working to death or my fear that possibly the only reason we’re alive is to work. This is to me represents my lower middle class struggles and what the reality of these industries make us feel like. Blue collar working from his death bed because it never really ends . The Artist who created this piece is Pete ryan ; he created this piece for the washington post and it is called “How to prevent working to death” .

pete ryan is an amazing artist and what intrigues me most about his work  is focused on concepts and metaphors. There is some literal representation of storytelling and satire in this piece for me and I personally feel like His visuals are tricky , bold and graphic.