Weeks 3 & 4 ALL ABOUT INK

For The next 2 week’s readings please read and COMMENT that you completed the reading on each of the following blog posts.  You MAY read ahead, and it is suggested that you READ These before attempting project 1.


Week 3

Week 4

  • pen-and-ink-illustration-an-introduction
  • the-modern-art-of-hatching
  • master-study-the-art-of-albrecht-durer


13 thoughts on “Weeks 3 & 4 ALL ABOUT INK

  1. Pingback: Week 3 | COMD 3313 Introduction to Illustration

  2. Me personally regarding the tips given in the reading, I never really used these tips for the 7 years I’ve been doing Pen and Ink pieces. I never really had issues of smearing, I always had an easy time using Ink without making a mess. I don’t really do warm-ups either, I just go and start inking without doing doodles beforehand to get warmed up, I would do some doodles while inking though. I never really had issues using ink, it was always easy for me to get started using ink.

  3. I have used ink before in Graphic Principle’s I did find it fun and messy because how I like to draw/paint is making mess. The tips that were given I have heard some and some that were new; I did find it interesting and enjoyable to do since I haven’t used ink in a couple of months. Also the different tools used for illustrating with ink I found at first getting used to because I have usually used brushes and a quill but using a brush like ink tool was with practice became a little easier to handle.

  4. From reading and understanding the unique inking tips and tricks, it tends to require plenty of practice and warm up which did help me control my hand than usual as I am usually into using computers to draw for the most. Overall, drawing in ink tends to require a lot of time and being careful, but I still would like to work on smudging or controlling my hand much carefully with gradients which is my issue from the warm-ups. But eventually, I do hope I can get used to it as I use to draw in pencils and pens freestyle during my middle school years. Inking for me can take a while for me to keep practicing as I could make mistakes easily, but I’m glad I’ve learned on the tips for ink.

  5. I also have used ink in my Graphic Principle class it was fun and frustrating because I didn’t warm up. This time I learned from my mistake and warm up before I started inking my illustration set cards. Based on the reading I learned several tips that might be really helpful. Such as starting with lines first before adding a chunk of water to create a grey shade. I usually approach the large areas of my drawing first but after reading some tips of inking I avoid making the same mistake. Lastly, I learned that taping my work to the table won’t have great results as rotating while I ink.

  6. I also have used ink in my Graphic Principle class it was fun and frustrating because I didn’t warm up. This time I learned from my mistake and warm up before I started inking my illustration set cards. Based on the reading I learned several tips that might be really helpful. Such as starting with lines first before adding a chunk of water to create a grey shade. I usually approach the large areas of my drawing first but after reading some tips of inking I avoid making the same mistake. Lastly, I learned that taping my work to the table won’t have great results as rotating while I ink.

  7. I also have used ink in my Graphic Principle class it was fun and frustrating because I didn’t warm up. This time I learned from my mistake and warm up before I started inking my illustration set cards. Based on the reading I learned several tips that might be really helpful. Such as starting with lines first before adding a chunk of water to create a grey shade. I usually approach the large areas of my drawing first but after reading some tips of inking I avoid making the same mistake. Lastly, I learned that taping my work to the table won’t have great results as rotating while I ink.

  8. I never used ink before so it was really helpful. I noticed how similar it is to regular water paint, but the way the pressure is on the brush feels very different. Doing the warm up made me realize if i started without warming i would’ve messed up my drawing. I was mostly practicing the stroke size because i wanted to add little details to my drawing and not mess it up. I mostly used the brushes i feel really good to use for my drawings because i noticed i could use on brush very well. Overall these tips helped.

  9. Warming up with ink is essential. Putting some music and being relaxed helps a lot. I never really used ink like that or done water color paintings until this project. I learned that ink can be forgiving and un forgiving at the same time. I also learned that water helps a lot, but it can tend to dry up fast too, so you have to be quick. For example, filling the page or a section with water helps control were the ink can go. Warming up helped me understand how I can control the ink weight with the ink when you add pressure. Lastly, I learned that using a Fountain pen, where you dip the ink is more controlled rather than using the brushes. The brushes are great to add shade or contrast to the art piece.

  10. This will be my first time inking however i have some knowledge from other mediums such as water paint and acrylic. these tips were informative and easy to remember some i already knew. For example putting a piece of paper under your inking hand to prevent smearing and trying not to get the paper too wet because when it curves it will be harder for you to create line. What i didnt know but know now is that testing different strokes can be done in more way then just swiggles but through quick sketches

  11. I’ve worked with ink before last year, expect I only used the calligraphy pen and drew strokes on the tracing paper. At first I had to search on youtube on how to use the pen. I’ve had no experience working with a calligraphy pen or ink. I was not aware of “warming up before you start”. It is for sure a good practice before you start and to warm up your hand. This gave great tips especially on the advice to not work left to right to prevent smearing. But instead to work on areas where you wouldn’t smear. And to also work on large areas last because it takes longer to dry. I’d say working with brush pens are a lot more enjoyable than calligraphy pens.

  12. I have been used to using ink and dipping pens, but using brush and water has been new to me so I tend to mess up somewhere, although not huge. I tend to learn by doing, and from what I’ve been doing, using ink and water felt like doing a water color, so it started feeling familiar. Outside that, I just tend having trouble working on very small corners where I need the brush. Overall, I have more fun with the dipping pen despite it being alot harder

  13. I have been used to using ink and dipping pens, but using brush and water has been new to me so I tend to mess up somewhere, although not huge. I tend to learn by doing, and from what I’ve been doing, using ink and water felt like doing a water color, so it started feeling familiar. Outside that, I just tend having trouble working on very small corners where I need the brush. Overall, I have more fun with the dipping pen despite it being alot harder

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