Sean P. Medina’s Profile

Illustration, Video, Photography, Graphic Design
My Courses
A study of communication designed to increase understanding and control of language on both the individual and social levels. Class work includes reading and discussion of elements of semantics and psycholinguistics and guided practice in effective thinking.
COMD 2427 Typographic Design III D215 Spring 19
OER Open Education Resource Advanced typographic design principles. Typographic applications for web design, print and motion graphics are explored, as well as integration of design and production in the laboratory.
COMD4900 OL90 Internship FA2021
Internship in Communication Design (Asynchronous) Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately 15+ plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department internship director. Sites may be in areas such as advertising, printing, corporate communications or publishing. Students keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars/discussions. Supervision is by faculty and by the job supervisor. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Open Lab.
COMD3701 Design Studio, FA2020
This openly available model course contains course information, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more. It may be cloned and adapted by any faculty member teaching this course.
ENG 2190 Gender/Ethnicity/Space/Literature
This course examines the spatiality of race and gender in literature.
My Projects
Sean P. Medina hasn't created or joined any projects yet.
My Clubs
Anime & Gaming Underground is a social club where people who are interested in animation, Japanese anime, animation/anime card games (such as: Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh), roll playing games, and video/computer games can hang out and have fun.