Studies from Reference

Last week you sketched things that might be in your final art… Now go deeper!   This time fill your 4 pages by drawing careful studies design elements that may be in your final.

This could be a wave pattern or a skull from several different views, a crowd scene or a few studies of monsters – for each of you it will be different. The important part here is that you SKETCH FROM REFERENCE.  For each design element try several sketches and points of view.  Consider these studies towards the final art piece.


Just a reminder, here are your Sketchbook Requirements : 

For this course students are required to keep an ongoing sketchbook which will be utilized a minimum of 1 hour, 30 min per page, for a total of 4 timed sketchbook pages per week.

  • Students can not to tear out pages and pages must be dated. Students may of course draw MORE than the required 4 pages. Sketchbooks will be reviewed weekly as part of peer critique.
  • This Sketchbook will have the specific purpose of being a PROCESS journal.


WEEK ONE Sketches

This week’s sketchbook theme is… Meet the Artist!

Page 1: #meettheartist

Create a meet the artist page for yourself in your Sketchbook! Look on Instagram or fb for #meettheartist and then design one to introduce yourself.  You may use any media and style you feel is appropriate!  You may choose to include any information about yourself you wish.

Pages 2-4:  Get to know me: Self Portraiture through Objects

Choose objects which are meaningful to you and draw them In Site, NOT floating on the page.  Draw 3 pages of Contour Drawings from Observation.

Post your drawings when complete.



Write your post. Add a Descriptive title.

Choose CATEGORY (bottom right side): Week 1 Sketches