Bradford Project 4 Proposals

Story: Red Riding Hood

Proposal 1

  • Genre: Sci-Fi
  • Genderbent RRH
  • Audience: YA
  • Setting: Big City
  • The wolf is really human who worked security detail where Grandma is head of the company. He is programed by the Powers That Be to be seen as a ferocious wolf by people who are not woke.
  • The items that RRH is tasked to deliver to Grandmother are merely disguised as food. In actuality its precious fuel found only in that forest area that is needed to keep powering the blanket “matrix” kept over the world.

Proposal 2

  • Genre: Suspense
  • Audience: YA
  • Genderbent RRH
  • RRH wakes up with no memory of who he is or where he is. Finds a carefully hidden note that tells him to seek out “Grandmother” and a few items sewn into his clothing. He ends up running into a hunter known only as The Wolf.

Story Proposal

Aurora appeared
John is a teenager, he joined a tour group to Canada, lqaluit, Nunavnt.
Travelers are stationed in the wild in order to see the northern lights,
The weather is very cold, they do not want out of the tent.
John shouted the northern lights appeared.
Everyone came out to see, but there are no Aurora.
The next day, he shouted the northern lights appeared.
Everyone came out to see, same as last day.
The next day, he shouted the northern lights appeared.
Everyone did not come out.
He and his new girlfriend had an Aurora dinner without interference.

The story is changed Ā fromĀ The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Aesop’s Fables

the setting isĀ similar as boy who cried wolf, just changed the balckground andĀ Time. And it comes out different fables thatĀ depends on readers’ understanding.

The character can be a blurry concept, a clever or Sly boy.


Project 4 – Proposals

Here is my proposal for project 4,Ā the handoutĀ said I was suppose to post it so here it is!

Story: Tortoise and the HareĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Author: Aesop

Proposal 1:

Change: Setting

  • The setting will be on a modern day race track
  • The main story will be similar to the original story: The only minor adjustments that will be placed are how the hare ā€œsleepsā€. He will be sleeping in his car dreaming about his next sponsorship. (I imagined the dialogue like this: Hey tortoise. Your car has no sponsors. You see all those brands on my car? That proves Iā€™m better… *While heā€™s sleeping* Green Giantā€¦ Sponsor meā€¦ Pleaseā€¦)
  • Audience: Children

Proposal 2:

Change: Genre ā€“ Horror

  • The setting will be in a haunted forest near the village. (village will be where the beginning challenge sequence occurs)
  • The story will be similar to the original story. When the rabbit decides to sleep spirits gather around him and abduct him into the *dramatic voice* SHADOW REALM (Iā€™m joking). But the haunted spirits will abduct the hare and the tortoise the new found champ, everybody doesnā€™t notice where the hare went.
  • Audience: Young Adult

If you want to know more, or hear me say “Shadow Realm” in my dramatic voice you can ask me in class. Thanks!