More Figure Drawing Resources!

Getting the right reference is key in creating a great final art piece!

Though we some times don’t know how to get our figure drawing exactly right… we can sure see when it has gone wrong! Poor drawing is one sure way to ruin a great idea.  So, lets get the right reference so that we can do out best work!

NOW of course the BEST thing to do is go and draw a REAL LIVE PERSON… but you may not have access or may not be able to get just the right pose for your visual concept.  FEAR NOT!  there are some great resources out there!


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Art Pose and Art Pose Female Edition are perhaps the most practical and intuitive artist anatomy reference applications for iOS and Android.  You can pose your figure, see musculature and move your camera all around it.  You can even go to a silhouette view.  Pretty good stuff!  Learn more! 



Pixelovely Is probably my favorite reference site. It has figure great drawing poses, choose between kinds of models, clothed or nude male or female etc.  Plus animal poses!  MEOW! Within each category are sub-categories. For example, under the animal category, you can choose the species of animal – and whether or not to time the session.



Quick Poses is a great figure reference site. You can choose between gesture drawings (timed poses) or random pose studies (not timed). There is a healthy selection of both clothed and nude models to choose from.  The site also includes tips to improve your study.


How to use MY sketchbook










YES… I agree. This seems pretty obvious.

Any student who has studied drawing at all has probably been keeping a sketchbook for at least the past semester, if not for years. But please bear with me and read on. Regardless of the simplicity of the tool, there is a reason ALL serious artists keep a regular sketchbook practice, and there is infinite room here to learn, grow, and develop your craft.

Your sketchbook is the place in which you will really improve your drawing skills.  It will, by developing the habit of daily use, become a PRACTICE. No different than a daily meditation practice. And it should be thought about with similar rigor.

Throughout this semester, and hopefully moving forward you will keep a sketchbook that you will work in every day.  It will become a depository of ideas, a place to work on your concepts, and a place to draw both what you see in your daily life as well as what you see in your imagination.


Every week you are required to share pages from your sketchbook here. Be sure to Title your post! Include the Week and the Theme if you are given one, or make up your own title!

Sketchbook Requirements:

  • For this course students are required to keep an ongoing sketchbook which will be utilized a minimum of 2 hours, 30 min per page, for a total of at least 4 sketchbook pages per week.
  • Students can not to tear out pages and pages must be dated.  Students may of course draw MORE than the required number of pages. Sketchbooks will be reviewed weekly in Openlab.
  • In it students will include only life drawing, objects, still life, gesture drawings etc. and process work towards their assignments.
  • Class notes should also be included in this sketchbook.

Be sure to comment on each other’s sketches.


Please reply to this post acknowledging that you understand the requirements and purpose of the sketchbook.  Also please let us know in a couple of sentences about your sketchbook experience and what kind of things you like to sketch!

Meet the Artist

This week’s sketchbook theme is… Meet the Artist!

Page 1: #meettheartist

Create a meet the artist page for yourself in your Sketchbook! Look on Instagram or fb for #meettheartist and then design one to introduce yourself.  You may use any media and style you feel is appropriate!  You may choose to include any information about yourself you wish.

Pages 2-4: 




Welcome to Figure Drawing!

Our goal in this course will be to build on what you have learned in your Foundational Drawing Class and develop your ability to accurately render the Human Figure. You’ll learn the basic forms of the human body, their proportions, and how those forms are connected.

By the end of the course, (with lots of practice!) you’ll be able to draw a human form interacting with the world around it.  This skill is the gateway to so many visual art careers! After all, we are human an the stories we are usually most interested in are ones depicting other human beings!

On this site you will have access to materials presented in class, your weekly assignments, and additional helpful resources.

Here you will also post your Sketchbook to share with your classmates.  Carefully read the directions in the UPLOADING INSTRUCTIONS POST on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio.

— Happy Drawing!

Online Figure Drawing

Though there is NOTHING like drawing from a live model, there are some really great online resources to help you practice and improve your craft.

Line of Action forum is a wonderful site designed to provide the student artist FREE resources to find the knowledge, inspiration, and ideas to keep improving.

Familiarize yourself with this site as you will be assigned homework from it in the coming semester.