How to use MY sketchbook










YES… I agree. This seems pretty obvious.

Any student who has studied drawing at all has probably been keeping a sketchbook for at least the past semester, if not for years. But please bear with me and read on. Regardless of the simplicity of the tool, there is a reason ALL serious artists keep a regular sketchbook practice, and there is infinite room here to learn, grow, and develop your craft.

Your sketchbook is the place in which you will really improve your drawing skills.  It will, by developing the habit of daily use, become a PRACTICE. No different than a daily meditation practice. And it should be thought about with similar rigor.

Throughout this semester, and hopefully moving forward you will keep a sketchbook that you will work in every day.  It will become a depository of ideas, a place to work on your concepts, and a place to draw both what you see in your daily life as well as what you see in your imagination.


Every week you are required to share pages from your sketchbook here. Be sure to Title your post! Include the Week and the Theme if you are given one, or make up your own title!

Sketchbook Requirements:

  • For this course students are required to keep an ongoing sketchbook which will be utilized a minimum of 2 hours, 30 min per page, for a total of at least 4 sketchbook pages per week.
  • Students can not to tear out pages and pages must be dated.  Students may of course draw MORE than the required number of pages. Sketchbooks will be reviewed weekly in Openlab.
  • In it students will include only life drawing, objects, still life, gesture drawings etc. and process work towards their assignments.
  • Class notes should also be included in this sketchbook.

Be sure to comment on each other’s sketches.


Please reply to this post acknowledging that you understand the requirements and purpose of the sketchbook.  Also please let us know in a couple of sentences about your sketchbook experience and what kind of things you like to sketch!

7 thoughts on “How to use MY sketchbook

  1. Yes, I understand the requirements and the purpose of the sketchbook. However, I usually don’t draw in a sketchbook. I usually draw small objects on loose leaf paper, when I’m bored. As for things that I like to sketch, I like to draw objects, especially 3-D objects, because I’m obsessed with shape and form.

  2. I understand all of the requirements and the purpose of the sketchbook. I’m really used to just doodle random faces, and not finish my drawings. It’s difficult to apply all the things I learned and put them together on the paper. I’m sure I’ll get better by practicing, and continuously drawing on the sketchbook!

  3. It’s amazing how important a sketchbook can be. As a communication design major, majority of my classes have asked that I have one. I realized how helpful it becomes when you start to look back at everything you have done on it. You also notice all your progress throughout the class.

  4. Since reading how important the sketch book is for this class, I realized that recently I have become very un-encouraged after a few semesters and have fallen behind on drawing. I believe this class will help me fix these problems, and I hope my lack of skills lately won’t hinder my performance in and out of class!

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