Due: 5/6/22 at 11:59pm


For this assignment you will use the research you gathered for your Op-Ed and the argument you made there, and present it in a multimodal text composed for a specific audience of your choice. Transforming your writing in this way will help you think about how audience, as well as the conventions of genre, affect writing and the presentation of information.

Your final piece will go beyond the written word; instead you will communicate using multimodal composing. Think about what you want to say (and to whom) and choose a genre that is appropriate. Regardless of the genre you choose, you must turn in a written component (such as an artist statement or a transcript).

Here are examples of genres you might choose:

  • TED Talk (include written transcript along with the video)
  • Wikipedia entry (include images)
  • Video, photographic, or graphic essay (include artist’s statement)
  • Blog (include images and/or video)
  • Informational brochure (include images)
  • Infographic (include an artist’s statement)
  • Poster with Public Service Announcement (PSA) (include an artist’s statement)
  • You might think of something else!


Here are the grading criteria for the Multimodal project:

Your multimodal piece…

  • follows the conventions and formatting of your chosen multimodal genre.
  • integrates the research and argument from your Op-Ed.
  • uses quotes and/or makes reference to specific data or facts from your research.
  • uses tone, language, grammar, and sentence structure appropriate for this genre.
  • has been carefully proofread.
  • has been submitted on time.