Faculty: Below is a streamlined schedule ; it will allow you to see the full semester. It does not include the detailed prompts you will need to complete weekly assignments. I will provided weekly assignments on this course site, in the Weekly Class Agendas tab.

ENG 1121: Schedule for online instruction

–incorporating Core Books at CUNY and the First Year Writing curriculum–

Week 1

Monday, 1/31  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)


  • Sign up for our OpenLab site:
  • If you encounter problems, please email me at BWilliams@citytech.cuny.edu.
  • Begin to familiarize yourself with the class site: be sure to read the introduction to the course, look over the syllabus, and open and review all course tabs/sections.
  • Review: “Tips for Success” on “The OpenLab for Students.”

 WRITING: Introductions

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 2/2 and 2/7 (Zoom class and asynchronous)


  • PAPER: Lorde, The Transformation of Silence into Action
  • VIDEO: Lorde, There is no hierarchy in oppression

WRITING: Online Discussion Post

Write your own response to the following questions, and then submit it in the discussion board:

What community do you think Audre Lorde belongs to?

  • In her written speech and then her oral presentation separately, who do you think she’s speaking to? Who is her audience in each?
  • What’s the purpose of each speech? What does she want her audience to think or do?
  • Define the word “genre” in your own words. Why is the speech genre appropriate for her message in each? Do you think a better genre exists to communicate what she hopes to communicate? Why?

Week 2

Wednesday 2/9


WRITING: Thinking About Community

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Week 3

Monday, 2/14  (asynchronous session)



WRITING: Introduction to Discourse Communities 

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Wednesday, 2/16

Group Activity


WRITING: Responding to Wollstonecraft

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments


WRITING: Brainstorming Discourse Communities and Research

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 4

Monday, 2/21 

  • College closed
  • You will have until this deadline to turn in Wollstonecraft

Wednesday, 2/23  (in-person session at City Tech)



WRITING: Responding to Douglass

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 5

Monday, 2 28  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)


WRITING: Pick a Model & Organize Your Ideas

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 3/2  (in-person session at City Tech)


WRITING: Drafting

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 6

Monday, 3/7(asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

WRITING: Drafting

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 3/9  (in-person session at City Tech)

  • SUBMIT Unit 1 (Investigating a Discourse Community)
  • A short reflection will be due with your Unit 1 assignment. Directions will be posted on our class site.



WRITING: Introducing the Argument & Persuasion Project: Writing an Op-Ed

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 7

Monday, 3/14  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)


  • Read Sophocles, Antigone (lines 1-625, pp.1-21)

(Note: if your class meets synchronously, consider devoting class time to reading sections of the script out loud.)

WRITING: Antigone Day 1

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 3/16  (in-person session at City Tech)


  • Sophocles, Antigone (lines 626, pp. 22-45)                


WRITING: Antigone Day 2

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 8

Monday, 3/21  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

WRITING: Preliminary Research and Picking a Topic for your Op-Ed

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 3/23  (in-person session at City Tech)


WRITING: Antigone Day 3

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 9

Monday, 3/28  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)


WRITING: Research Prep (this is for you, no posting necessary)

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 3/30  (in-person session at City Tech)



WRITING: Looking at the Op-Ed Genre and Thinking about Argument

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 10

Monday, 4/4  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)


WRITING: Thinking about Thesis and Structure

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 4/6  (in-person session at City Tech)


WRITING: Drafting & Conferencing

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 11

Monday, 4/11  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

WRITING: Drafting — Finalizing the Op-Ed

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 4/13  (in-person session at City Tech)

  • SUBMIT Unit 2: Op-Ed Piece
  • A short reflection will be due with your Unit 2 assignment. Directions will be posted on our class site.


  • Read the assignment guidelines for Unit 3: Multimodal Project.
  • Read and review student samples of the Multimodal Project


WRITING: Introducing the Multimodal Project

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 12

Monday, 4/18  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

  • No work assigned, Spring Recess

Wednesday, 4/20  (in-person session at City Tech)

  • No class, Spring Recess

Week 13

Monday, 4/25  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)


WRITING: Looking at Multimodal Texts and Analyzing Samples

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 4/27  (in-person session at City Tech)

WRITING: Drafting

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 14

Monday, 5/2  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

WRITING: Drafting

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 5/4  (in-person session at City Tech)

  • SUBMIT UNIT 3: Multimodal Project


  • Read through all your work so far this semester and the comments you received. 
  • Read through the assignment guidelines for the “Final Reflection and Portfolio.”
  • Look over your work from this semester (all small and large assignments).

WRITING: Thinking about Revisions

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 15

Monday, 5/9  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

WRITING: Reflecting and Building the Portfolio

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 5/11  (in-person session at City Tech)

WRITING: Drafting

  • In-class activities and writing will occur during our in-person class session.

Week 16

Monday, 5/16  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

WRITING: Drafting

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments

Wednesday, 5/18  (in-person session at City Tech)

  • SUBMIT Final Reflection and Portfolio Assignment

Week 17

Monday, 5/23  (asynchronous, work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

  • See weekly agenda on our OpenLab class site for activities and assignments
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