Prof. Williams | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Discussion: Unit 1 First Draft

  • Read: Reflections on the Concept of Discourse Community
  • Define: discourse community in your own words, list different types of DCs
  • Brainstorm your own potential DC and the problem/solution you will address in your own speech or letter to an audience outside of your DC
  • Write your rough draft to be workshopped on Wednesday. 

You can either pick your genre before or after the first draft. It might be helpful to be workshopped and get feedback on which genre suits your message and why, plus how to make it stronger within that genre. 

**You can also share your draft in a PUBLIC google doc link if that’s easier.

Due: Posted on OpenLab before class on February 23


  1. ia Macharashvili

    Discourse communities are classified into three types: local discourse communities, folocal discourse communities, and focal communities. They differ in formality, size, and other factors. Local communities, for example, are people who all work at the same place or in the same occupation in the same area, whereas focal communities are, in many ways, the polar opposite of local communities. They are typically associations of some kind that encompass a region, a country, or the entire world.
    A discourse community, in my opinion, is a group of people who share the same beliefs and concerns about a variety of topics, though the topics can range from formal to informal, severe or not so severe, depending on the topic. A discourse community is a group that has a change in mind and the desire to spread awareness and gain more members in their community. Some discourse communities are simply a group of people who work in the same place and have the same goal of improving their workplace and achieving success.
    My essay might be on how my country raises awareness about its occupied areas and the overall influence it has on people’s lives when it comes to tragedies that affect the place where you were born and raised.

  2. kaylasmall

    To me, a discourse community is a community or group of people that share a common ground and are similar often times in the ways that they are either raised or communicate or their goals. With this commonality that they share, they have a sort of understanding and connection with one another so much that it goes from a group setting to a community setting. There are local and focal discourse communities and some examples can include theatre students or sports teams members.
    I think I want to address the problem of over sexualization of young black girls who grew up in “traditional” black households and how that can affect young black girls and create problems in how black girls and women are perceived if not solved by breaking these generational curses and allowing young black girls and women to explore what they like without criticism.

  3. Alberto Jorge

    discourse community in your own words, list different types of DCs

    I think discourse community is a Collection of people or groups that work towards a common goal through communication. The three different types of discourse community are local, folocal and focal. In other each one are different and for example folocal is People who utilize a particular language for specific reasons in a local setting make up a folocal discourse community. Local are groups of people that are all employed at the same location. focal is pertaining to the focal point or primary focus of interest.

    I want to do my essay I want o focus on how women and men should be equal like for example equal pay,rights and more. I want to point the main example why they should be equal and why we should consider to change in order to fix this issue and I think by me talking about this problem will bring awareness to help fix this issue.

  4. John Fuentes

    A discourse community, as a general term, to me is a group of people may be big or small that are all working towards the same end goal who have certain ways to communicate with each other. They of course are different kinds of discourse communities (DC), there are smaller one that are local Discourse communities which can include a business building, store employees, or a class’s group for a project. There could also be bigger ones that include countries, government workers or an entire region; all working towards the same goal of trying to get the region/country to prosper.

  5. Brandon Nguyen

    Define Discourse Community in your own words, List the different types of Discourse Communities: A Discourse Community is defined as a community with the same beliefs and goals in their small community. Often times, a Discourse Community is spread out from 3 types, Local, Folocal, and focal which are all dependent on the size and the goals of the group.

    I want to write my persuasive letter in a local Discourse Community, that is with the constant problem with the apartment complex that I live in and the measures the landlord has taken or whereas lack of, measures that the landlord has taken in order to make this apartment complex great. If it is not allowed, I will write more Folocal and write about the Asian Community Hatred in New York City and the movement of Stop Asian Hate and also with the increase in Violence in New York City, I would like to write a letter for some measures that need to be done in order to make our city more safer.

  6. Cristian

    The three different types of discourse communities are local,focal, and folocal. Discourse communities to me is a group of people that make up a small community that have beliefs similar to one another. I think I am going to write a letter focusing on racism being such a big problem.

  7. Kevin

    Discourse communities are a set of communities that share the same beliefs and goals within their small communities. There are three types of discourse communities, there is the local type, then the folocal type, and finally the focal type. What I would want to write about is mainly on communities with similar interests in abolishing race hate. This could be written on both the stop Asian hate movement and the black lives matter movement. Both these communities share similar interests and have the same common goal which is to stop hatred of their race.

  8. Isaiah F

    There are three different type of communities that are defined as discourse community such as: Local discourse communities, folocal discourse communities, and focal communities. In one interpretation for a discourse community to me is when people with common problems/issues that drives them to go harder on expositing them. The more they share and consume information will help expedite the process of fixing societies common problems. My personal option is that more people should know about the problem so we can come together as a nation, country, and as a world to fix it. From one human-being to another… we need to spread awareness to the people so we can stand as one.

    I decided to write about New York City safety problem with Metropolitan Transit Authority. This topic can relate to all NYC commuters that uses MTA everyday. There are approximately 2 million people that use buses and trains for their daily lives. Crimes on the train have raised to 68% since 2020, and over 400 people have been assaulted. Although the increase police patrol on the subway in 2021; crime has still risen and we need to stop it now because people shouldn’t be scared for their life heading to work or home.

  9. Alija

    A discourse community in my own words is a community that has similar ideas and thoughts on a specific thing. The different types of DCs are local, folocal, and focal communities.
    As I was brainstorming possible a potential DC, I thought of how certain schools get less funding than other schools. For example, the early college high school that I attended got very little funding for reasons I couldn’t understand. It is a majority of low income students including myself so I guess that might’ve been the reason why we got so little funding. “The majority are the children or grandchildren of immigrants from West Indian countries such as Guyana, Trinidad and Haiti, and more than half would be the first in their families to earn a bachelor’s degree “
    In my speech I will talk about the solution which will be to get more funding to low income schools. Even though we didn’t get the funding we deserve, all students did great and have a bright future ahead of them. With some more funding, Brooklyn College Academy can offer more to their students . The teachers, parents, and students put in a lot of effort to make it such a great school. All 4 of my siblings and 2 of my cousins attended this school. The principal and administration worked very hard to get funding college classes. In order to get funding, all students must have excellent grades before taking any college classes. The school was very serious and disciplined because any bad college class grade of students can strip away the funding we got.

  10. Allyson Tapia

    A Discourse community is a group of people coming together to share and communicate their goals and beliefs. Linguist John Swales “defined discourse communities as groups that have goals and purposes, and use communication to achieve their goals.” There are three types of discourse community: local, focal, and folocal. Local meaning people working together in the same workplace or environment. Focal communities are “typically associations of some kind that reach across a region, a nation, and internationally.” Lastly the third type, “the folocal discourse community, means a hybrid community having characteristics of both previous types.”
    For my essay I want to write about the NYC transit crime rates. Everyday on the news you see the crime rates rising in NYC public transportation. NYPD reported more subway assaults in 2021 than any year. This week four stabbings and one track death occurred in just one day. Major crimes such as murders, rapes, assaults, and robberies. The violent crime rates are increasing and there must be a plan to enforce public safety.

  11. Unamta Yasir

    Discourse community in my opinion is communities with similar ideas and goals coming together through communication. To me, it seems that different people who share the same opinion on a topic or interest coming together and forming a community. There are three types of discourse communities which are local, focal, and folocal. Local discourse communities are people who work in the same place and share the same ideas, while focal discourse communities are people from all across the world or region that share the same ideas or goals.

    In my essay I will be focusing on the toxic culture of Middle East and South Asia when it comes to females. Many females are speaking up and standing up for themselves in other countries who share the same Middle Eastern or South Asian background. Men hold a great power over females to the point where they abuse that power and women often feel trapped and afraid to speak up for their rights. There is no justice system in place in those regions to protect females from being abused and the toxic culture allows women to be treated in such ways. I believe that what is happening to females in those countries is wrong which is why my essay will focus on this topic.

  12. Shawn Dorsey Jr.

    A discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field. A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals. There are three types of a discourse community in that being local, focal, and folocal. Local discourse communities are people who all work at the same place or the same occupation in the same area. Focal discourse communities are typically associations of some kind that reach across a region, a nation, and internationally. Lastly, folocal discourse communities are focal and local combined. I will write a letter addressing that depression within children and adolescents isn’t talked about enough. It shouldn’t be taken lightly. People look at depression as an adult issue when it’s not and parents should talk to their children about mental health.

  13. Clevoy Barnes

    A discourse community is a bracket of people who likes to communicate to achieve any proposes or goals they have in mind. Some different types of discourse community are folocal, focal, and local.
    When I do this piece of writhing I would like to focus on the effect that racisms /segregation still has on us in todays society

  14. Livleen

    Discourse communities are communities with similar issues or beliefs who come together to help resolve what they want to fix. They attempt to bring awareness and help improve the world. There is local, folocal and focal types of discourse communities. I want to talk about the the way women are still treated in today’s world. Men still have the upper hand and women are not safe till this day. So many incidents with women happen on a day to day basis and nothing is ever done about it. This can take a major toll on the upcoming generation if this stuff continues.

  15. Shawina B

    A discourse community (DC) is one that has a commonality in their beliefs, values, the way they operate, live their lives, and communicate (with other members). They usually have the same goals. Additionally, maybe even most importantly, they communicate their goals in an attempt to inform or persuade (discourse). This could be to each other or another community. The persuasion or information is done consciously or unconsciously, intentionally, or unintentionally. An individual can be a part of more than one discourse community and often is. Discourse communities are small enough to share a common discourse. They can be local, focal, or folocal. Some examples of DCs are people who are mentally ill, elderly college students, stamp collectors, gay individuals, and single mothers.
    A discourse community I am interested in is the mentally ill community. I problem I’ve noticed is that there is still very little acknowledgment of the illness as a legitimate illness by other discourse communities. The solution is to prove that it is an illness and destigmatize the illness.

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