Prof. Williams | ENG 1121 - HD18 | Spring 2022

Op-ed (Draft)

Untitled document – Google Docs


  1. Shawina B

    Mental health has always been an issue among City University of New York (CUNY) students. A 2018 survey done by Healthy CUNY shows, “About one in six CUNY undergraduates experience depression, one in five experience anxiety disorders, and one in six reports moderate or severe psychological distress.” What does this information have to do with Covid-19’s effect on students’ mental health in 2022? What does it have to do with mental illness possibly being an epidemic since COVID-19? Well, in April 2020, another survey was and the increase in numbers is alarming. About 42 percent reported experiencing depression and about 43 percent reported experiencing anxiety. In the case of depression, the number is almost triple and has doubled in the case of anxiety.

  2. Kevin

    Are there high chances for a Third World War?

    Everything that is going on with Ukraine and Russia has left people astounded on the possible outcomes that could derive from all this. After multiple attempts from the U.S. trying to neutralize the conflict, Russia hasn’t been as compliant. But is this enough to start a world war? In simple terms no. Russia is currently in a bad position and many factors indicate that Russia will have to stop at some point or another. Plus Putin is as stubborn as ever, and his beloved country is suffering because of his actions. As a result, companies have pulled their businesses out of Russia such as Mcdonald’s, Starbucks, and Coca-Cola. These companies don’t want to be associated with or promote a country that doesn’t care for innocent lives.

  3. Alija

    The crime in NYC is the worst it’s ever been in history. About 3 years ago, NYC was announced as the safest big city in America. With the current officials in charge, the city has no hope and that’s why people are moving out. Instead of people moving into such a great city, many are leaving. During mayor Bill de Blasio’s term, many repeat criminals were released from jail and people weren’t punished for their crimes which is why the crime rate is so high. It seems that the new mayor wants to fight gun violence and stop crime in his city. He has shown full support to the NYPD when many were against them. As a retired PO, I feel as though he knows exactly what needs to be done to bring the city back to its feet.

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