My First Time @ Bat………….

Hello my name is Tyril Jarvis, my major is civil engineering . This is my first semester , also my first in a college setting.  I am a big music and sports fan .I was born and raised in Brooklyn New York .I had fun growing up even though I was the only child I have a bunch of cousins that I could easily call my brothers and sisters I could say I’m a good listener for the most part unless your just completely boring me but even then I’ll  still listen because I fill if you decided to talk it might just be that important for me to listen ………I for one ,love where I came from and I most certainly love the direction I’m going in and I also look forward to having a successful year and wish the same for everyone else.


1st question

Is everybody ready to knock writing in the head ?    lol


Are you guys thinking of what theme we will use ?


Did anybody get that book yet ?

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3 Responses to My First Time @ Bat………….

  1. Maria Perez says:

    Yes, I bought the book today. And I’ll have to say for a good price at Strand.

  2. SW♥ says:

    we have to get a book? LOL seriously tho

  3. Love these questions!!!!!! Go Lions!!!!!!!

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