Author Archives: Karandeep Singh

Post 9

1. Identify and briefly describe the text you will be writing on for Essay 3 My text For essay 3 is called Monster by Naoki Urasawa. Monster is a manga and anime. The story/anime is set when the Berlin wall … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Post 9 | 2 Comments

Question 3

The quote has allot to do with the american dream because that what everyone is here for. By being in a “low caste” or poor you can’t really achieve much and you feel like a minority. I know how it feels … Continue reading

Posted in Blog Post 7 | 2 Comments

Question #3

“Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different. Men eat themselves up believing they have to be the thing they have been made.” I think this quote means that women can do so much more then they … Continue reading

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Post 4 question 1

Dean may seem like the center of the story, but he pops in and out of the story way to much. Sal on the other hand is a constant thought. But everything does revolve around dean, and women like marylou … Continue reading

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