“Being a minority in both caste and class, we moved about anyway on the hem of life, struggling to consolidate our weaknesses and hang on, or to creep singly up into the major folds of the garment” (pg.17). Morrison is writing of the struggles of being a minority in which they are lower ranked class/group. Being so, meant that their life was confined in boundaries which were placed upon them for being a minority. However, there are those that accepted their social status and just tried to make a living to continue on, but there were also those that tried to get out of that life and tried to become part of a higher class than the own they grew up in. This is the same as the American dream because it consists of people trying to move up in their social status by working and getting the nice cars, houses, clothes, all of the things that are seen by society, as the things that are what an American should have. The same applies in The Bluest Eye, because Pecola thinks that if she had lighter skin, blue eyes, and straight blond hair she would be beautiful. Being beautiful meant that everyone would appreciate you/ love you instead of being a little black girl which everyone looks away from and ignores/mistreats.
Professor Laura Westengard
Email: lwestengard@citytech.cuny.edu
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30 am and by appointment
Office/Mailbox Location: Namm 503
Phone Number: (718) 260-5761-
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I think that this quote is the same as the American dream because like you said individuals and also characters in the story ,who accept their social status and try to survive. Therefore, “consolidating their weaknesses and hanging on.” Instead of trying to achieve the nice house, car and, or clothes. I think Pecola is the perfect example of this quote because like you said, she thinks that she will fit in society or be loved and accepted if she has blue eyes, lighter skin and straight blond hair.
I agree with your example to the American dream and tying it back to Pecola wanting the blue eyes, pretty face, light skin and even clean clothes, society can sometimes break a person rational thought into wanting the impossible.
Because of society, Pecola wants to change herself to look beautiful, So? why not? If it makes her happy then go for it! First,It helps her to gain self esteem when problems are corrected. Next, it boosts up her personality to those who she come in contact with. Lastly, there is nothing wrong to make herself look beautiful or feel better about herself. It helps her gain confident and self esteem. It also help her mind and body. If i win the lottery i will do X + Y = Z.
I agree with you Ms.Bueno. because Pecola thinks that if she had lighter skin, blue eyes, and straight blond hair she would be beautiful and be love. Being beautiful meant that everyone would appreciate her and love her. so everybody won’t look away from her and ignores and mistreats her like she was a nobody.