1. Brainstorming: Choose your favorite brainstorming method (listing, freewriting, word webs, vision board, etc). Set a timer for 15 minutes and write about all of the topics in school, work, politics, your community, and your hobbies that you find interesting, infuriating, hopeful, inspirational, etc. 

2. Reflection: reflect on the research that you have done around the Declaration of Independence and “38”  and any thoughts and feelings it brought up for you. 

Are there any incidents or chapters in US history that you think are important for people to learn about or a contemporary incident that you think should be included in historical accounts of our era so people in the future can learn from it?

Does this change or give you a new idea for a topic you  might want to research more? If so, what is the topic?

3. Research Question Worksheet (boxes 1-5)

4. Quote Sandwich: choose one sentence from your research and quote it using the quote sandwich method

5. Citations: Write out the complete citations for each of your three sources using MLA 9th edition guidelines

6-7. Annotated Bibliography Template