Today’s Reflection-3/1/17


Today we talked about how to get a designers job in general. I learned its important to show what you can offer to the job that you are trying to get. Its always wise to prepare everything I mean the good pieces of your work to present clear and meaningful .


Then we talked about there are different types of designers some are specialist and some are generalist. Specialist like Chipkid he is an book cover designer and some others design all sort of design , book jacket , magazines and posters etc.

Then we talked about different type of graphic design companies suck as Graphic design studio where not only design all visual part of the product and campaign but there also come up with ideas with product like models and creating new product .


Ad Agencies are mainly focusing on selling the product and working on campaign of the product , of course there are more works kind of common between these companies but these are the differences . then we have Brandings where its mostly focus on the branding or creating an identify for the client they are working with. Some of the companies they do all of them but some are primarily focusing on some of their specialites.


Overall it was a good day and learned a lot about how to prepare to get a job to different types of graphic design companies are out there .