Journal 1 – The Search!

The searching for an internship I started from the class. It may not be same to all the student because some of them already have one.

So I started searching in class with the list of internship opportunities provided by the professor and she also introduce The Internship Coordination site on the OpenLab.

After going through all the research about those companies I choose several of them and start sending emails and resumes.

From a list of 6 companies that I applied, I got 3 replies and scheduled me for an interview.

After all the interview process I was lucky to be taken by one of the design agency which is based in Brooklyn called The Vyater Group. 


Journal 2 – The First Day!


Today is my first day at The Vyater Group. Which is located in Brooklyn and I’ve to travel more than an hour to Kings Highway from Queens.

It seems far but didn’t bother me because I always want to work in a design agency.

This company is founded by Lenny Vyater and he is the art director. He himself is a graphic designer and specialized in print production.

The Vyater Group is a versatile company which provides marketing strategy and graphic productions to clients. They also work with illustrations and video productions too.

The office is an open space where we have 6 designers working together in the center and we also have a kitchen in the corner, where you can make coffee or grab some snakes.

After introducing around the office I was assigned to work on a logo design project. Which is a spa company called WorldSpa.

They have some logos designed already as a concept but still looking for more options so I was more than happy to show them what I think of the logo and from my perspective.

Finally, the internship experience on the first day, in the beginning, is quite scary but somehow it went away after the introduction and overall I had fun.

Journal 3 – Stationery

Stationery Design for COMD Department

Stationery Mockup


Today is my 3rd day and Second Week at the internship. I was expecting to work on the logo design from last week but today they ask me to work on a branding project of a SummerCamp.

I designed some variations for postcard and brochure, it seems my senior designer she liked it.

After a while she came back and asked me to design some letterhead for the company then goes on to say they already have a business card and a logo so in the back of my head I kept reminding myself it’s a STATIONERY DESIGN! for the company, something that we were well taught in our COMD classes over the years!

I think the takeaway from today’s experience is that if you are familiar with terms and have experience with work, it makes you much less nervous and gain more confident!

Journal 4 – Designing the Perfect Logo

World Spa Logo One of the logo I Designed at Vyater Group


This is my third week at the Vyater Group. Everything seems going well. I go there twice a week and most of the time I spend my time on refining logos and image editing.

The task that I was asked last week was to come up with ideas logo option for a spa company.  I was happy to see my logo was picked for a choice last week and we been refining it. but this week I came up with another logo idea which the creative director mentioned in the beginning that what he visualizes as a design option, his idea was to make the type with the shape of water drops but somehow nobody came near of this idea.

So today I designed the logo  (I will upload some of the images soon ) and showed it to him and he was so happy and said this is the closest of all the logos that I was talking about and definitely I will present this to the client!

Hopefully, this logo will work and we can move on to the branding part.

Anyway, stay tuned for my internship experience I will update more!!!

Journal 5 – Everyday is a Holiday!

I did this for Holiday Wish from Vyater Group


Today I had a rough beginning in the morning with my commute, Subway Train!!!, as usual, had some issues and I was late for few minutes thank God that I always leave as early as possible. “ Prevention is better than cure!

So at the office, I worked on some of the Stationery designs including some mockups for the business card. But today I got a chance to look at the different types of Holidays that we wish on social media. We have designs already prepared on those days, some of the days that I never heard of such as Eraser Day and Banjo Day. When I finally research on some of the Holidays in America and it is fascinating to see a variety of special days celebrating across America! I was telling myself that, this is called social networking and that is how you can reach out to all the possible client! Wish them with their special days, exchange greetings and learn from them, get to know them and keep in touch!

So what I learned today is that every day is a Holiday to you or to others!!!

Journal 6 – Time Management

Still working at Vyater Group and it is exciting to see the design world and how they actually work. The experience outside the class is different in many ways. Outside the class in the real world no matter how good you are with the design, you have to work for the client,  more client more business this is how the business run. So for that speed and time management is something really important. In class we can also go back to the previous project to update it and improve it but in real world once the client is not happy and if you couldn’t deliver it on time it is most likely that you will not see the client in future so time management is something that I realize that I’ve to improve myself.

Journal 7 – Time Management

Today is my last day at Vyater Group. I did 120 hours as required by the class. Overall it was such a learning experience and I learned a lot. Not just the technical aspect of the design but the Design Thinking. It is often too hard to see in the school but at the internship, I saw how to deliver creatively and smartly for the client. Solving their problem is the main objective but to solve it faster makes them even happier!

Overall it was a great learning experience and I will remember this for a long time. Initially from the fear that whether I will get an internship to the nerve ragging moments of interviews and final depart with some extra knowledge is a wonderful experience and certainly helped in my confident believing that I came out stronger and more determination for the next step.