Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
  • Meeting Info: In person, Pearl 116, 8:30 to 11:00am, followed by Professor’s office hours from 11:00am to noon in Pearl 116.


  • Type Scavenger Hunt: what you found.
  • Review of Slab Serif from Class 20 (Nov. 11).
  • Project 02 Presentations (Seraphina and Angel).
  • Examples using Expressive and Playful type. Translation: how what we’re doing in class is used in outside of the classroom.
  • Another phase of Color and legibility using texture (type over texture + texture in type). See Quick Reference PDF with color information (also shown in Class 17).
  • The typographical grid. (We will touch on the grid and cover it in depth next class—i.e. Nov. 17). In preparation, review the PDF in the link below.
    • A grid is a system of vertical and horizontal guides used for the organization of a layout. Grids are used in graphic and web design.
    • Quick Reference PDF: The Grid
    • Components of the grid:
      • Margins
      • Columns and rows
      • gutters (vertical and horizontal)
      • modules and spacial zones


  • Learn more about working with type and how type engages attention.
  • Relate what we’re doing in class to work out in the world.
  • Develop a concept for Project 03.
  • For next class): Grid. Understanding the parts of grid
  • Develop understanding of organization in design.

Review: What we’ve learned

  • Slab Serif.

Which of the typefaces in the illustration is Slab Serif? Note: they’re based on wood type, which was big in the 19th century and is back in favor among letterpress printers of today.

Which faces in the illustration by Pablo Delcan are Slab Serif?

  • Type Scavenger Hunt: your finds using (1) play on letters or (2) a wordmark for a non-traditional organization (or culture).
    • Examples from Class 20 plus a few more are below.
  • Other principles we’ve learned. Can you name them?


During Class: Explore Color and Typography a bit more.
Add a page to the 4-word and texture document that we created during Classes 16 through 18. Choose One of your textures and choose one letter.

  • On square 1 (top left): Add One texture and One letter. Use Transparency of the letter.
  • Leave Square 2 (Top Right) Blank
  • Leave Square 3 (Bottom Left) Blank
  • Square 4: Add a texture inside a letter
Finished Example
  • How To
    • Choose a Texture.
    • To create a transparent letter, this must first be an outline and not an editable typeface.
Add a page; choose a texture.
  • Next, click on the text box with your letter and go to
Click on the text box and go to Type > Create Outlines.
  • Once you’ve Created Outlines, click on the box and go to OBJECT > EFFECTS > TRANSPARENCY.
Object > Effects>Transparency.

Adjust the transparency and color to see multiple options such as those below.

Again, below is the finished example.

The finished example (this is the same example shown at the beginnign of the activity.

If you’ve completed the exercise and want to go farther, you can add an image into your letter. Here’s how:

  • Create outlines
  • Then, copy the image you want to use.
  • Next, got to EDIT > PASTE INTO (not copy and paste)

If you use an entire word, make sure your image is as large as or larger than the word or you’ll get only a partial image in your word. See below.

Size matters. The top “Rainbow” is wider than the image. The bottom “Rainbow” is filled because the image is as wide as or wider than the word.

Below is a recap of how to insert an image into a word. It’s also in the first link below.

How to add an image inside a letter INDESIGN

We’ve done the tasks in the link below.

How to get actual colors from a photograph and place them in the swatch panel


  • Go back to the page with your 4 textures
  • Following the steps above, add a page FOR EACH OF your texture images as well as a PAGE FOR EACH OF YOUR TEXTURE pulled into a full word. You will have 9 pages in all, including the first page you did weeks ago.
  • Save your InDesign FILE as:
  • Then Package the file, making sure to include a PDF.
  • Upload to Dropbox, in the Class 21 folder.


For Project 03.
Assignment to Complete After Class

  • In preparation to our next assignments (a series of posters and social media material), we will need to collect some text
    • What is an concern or problem that affect you or you would like to address? Think of the title of your CONCERN.
      Then, include no more than three (3) sentences that explain why the situation concerns you.
    • Do not design anything at this point. We are just collecting text, please send in the body of an email
  • For instance, I’m concerned about water shortages. We don’t see the problem in NYC so much, but it’s a huge problem everywhere else. Another concern: garbage islands in the oceans. Of course, choose a concern that’s close to you. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a global situation.
  • DEFINITION: according to, a concern can be a verb or a noun. We’re using the noun (items 4 to 9 but especially the ones specified in bold (4 through 7).
  1. to relate to; be connected with; be of interest or importance to; affectThe water shortage concerns us all.
  2. to interest or engage (used reflexively or in the passive, often followed by withor in): She concerns herself with every aspect of the business.
  3. to trouble, worry, or disquiet: I am concerned about his health.
  4. something that relates or pertains to a person; businessaffairLaw is the concern of lawyers.
  5. a matter that engages a person’s attention, interest, or care, or that affects a person’s welfare or happiness: The party was no concern of his.
  6. worry, solicitude, or anxiety: to show concern for someone in trouble.
  7. important relation or bearing: This news is of concern to all of us.
  8. a commercial or manufacturing company or establishment: the headquarters of an insurance concern.
  9. Informal. any material object or contrivance.

Again, EMAIL your Concern (or issue or Cause) with a Title and no more than 3 sentences about it.


Upload your Assignment 01 to Dropbox.

Email Assignment 02.


I’ll give you grades for Project 02 ideally before Thanksgiving.


Class 22 will cover grids and visual hierarchy.

A look ahead to Class 22 (no need to do in Class 21).

  • Create a document in InDesign and practice.
    • How to create columns and rows (modules)
    • How to use the grid
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