Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2022


A. What is the classification of the main typeface used?

1A: Sans Serif

1B: Sans Serif

2: Sans Serif

3: Serif

B. If different weights are used, what do they achieve? Are they confusing? Elucidating? Busy?

1A: All the text is very bold and capitalized, so it stands out and it’s centered on the page, so they achieve the vocal point of the picture. 

1B: In this certain words are large and bolded and some are thick, in there’s lots of writing so the use of different weight can help us understand the purpose of each writings.

2: Every word is capitalized, and the name is the only text in black while the other are white or beige, The thickness of “TopDog” and thinness of “Underdog” is very creative.

3: Theres lots of variations in the typeface and some have different colors which makes it unique and the heading all capitalized, thick, and large so we can tell that it’s the title.

C. Is the typeface appropriate to the material? How would the pieces (Examples 2 and 3 are ads) work if the typefaces were different? (or if the typeface used for “Rigoletto” were used for “Top Dog/Underdog” and vice versa.

1A: The word voice being red while the other words are same color is very important as the text can be saying your voice is very important, also the text has the same weight and typeface, so the typeface is very appropriate 

1B: Different typeface lets us know the heading or title so I would say its appropriate 

2: In here the typeface shows creativity with the weight of “TopDog” and “Underdog” and the text having different variations of weight can let us know which one is the name or quote. I think this typeface works the best.

3: The typeface matches the theme as it seems like a play

D. How do the backgrounds work with the type? Is there enough contrast between the type and the background color or color and texture?

1A: The text are having blank background make it visible and readable

1B: Background is plain and simple so it’s very readable

2: The background showing the competitors and the name in the middle lets us know who is who

3: The different use of color makes the design feel complete, the background lets us know it’s a play, the typeface and the background can work together as I feel like typeface catches the theme

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    Good, Sam.

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