Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2022


  1. Examples 1-2 use a sans serif while example 3 uses a serif.
  2. Example 2 has different weights. Topdog having a heavy weight and underdog having a lightweight is a good visual representation of who or rather what each word means.
  3. For example 2, rather than the typeface being inappropriate to the material, the overall poster gives the feeling of an actual boxing match rather than a broadway show. Rigoletto’s typeface is appropriate, the serif gives off a formal feeling.
  4. In terms of contrast, all pieces do a good job and all the text is legible.

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    “A boxing match rather than a Broadway show” is a great description of the ad for item 2, Zoë—especially since the thought-provoking play matches two brothers who are in many ways at odds with each other.

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