Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2022

Taylor_Fenda Book Series

The cover that caught my attention was on the last slide bottom left. This cover features Antonin Artaud’s piece “O Teatro E O Seu Duplo”. The slanted text gives the text an abstract personality. The initials AA in the same diagonal orientation with a heavier weight caught my attention.

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    Yours is an interesting and sophisticated observation, Tristan, about the cover that has an unmistakably-clear author and title yet pushes it further by upending the author’s initials so the “A”s become form/illustration as well as content.

    The designers were smart to connect the serifs of the “A”s as well. The logo in the negative space is a very sly move too.

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