Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2022

Tristan Taylor: Scavenger Hunt

The bold semi-serif title establishes the main theme for this book.
This heavy leaded, robust typeface, relates to the strictness of the military and hence the theme of the overall book.
The highlighted logo followed by supporting text helps reveal the overall feel. The fonts are a mix of cursive and sans serif.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Beth

    Articulate descriptions, Tristan. The first two examples show that book jackets are a great source of type combinations. In the first image, the title is definitely a serif (as opposed to a semi-serif). Your analysis of the title type in the second image is clear and a strong example of how type conveys emotion as well as information. “Cursive” is a good description of the script used for the word “ice cream.” A bonus is the condensed type for the calories (even though, with that caramel cone flavor, the purchaser could well become wider).

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