Class Info
- Date: September 20, 2022
- Meeting Info: In person, Pearl 116, 8:30 to 11:00am, followed by Professor’s office hours
Announcement. Please use your CityTech email for all correspondence. Please see document with email instructions.
Note for Project 1: Complete Book with Revisions is due on Class 11 (Oct. 11)
Project 1: Type on a PATH (Page 12 of Book)
- Learn about type arrangement and what happens to type when it is not set on a horizontal path.
- Vertical Type
- Curved or Angled Path
- Circular Path
- Continue SetUp in Design
- Examples of type on a path Book Series
Look at the entire series of covers, with some interiors, by FBA Portugal.
- Comment: Which of these covers catches your attention? Why? Notice that the typography on some do not follow a horizontal path. Is that successful?
- Use the vocabulary you already know: Use of typeface, leading (space between lines/interlinear space), type on a path, weight, etc.
- Review, think, and craft a comment. Post in STUDENT POSTS, STUDENT POST TYPE TALK.
- You’ll work with type on a path.

- Let’s look at the Type on a PATH tools
Create new InDesign doc- 8.5×11 inches (landscape)
- .5″ margins all around
- 1 page
- Go to the PEN tool and create a sharp-angled path and a curved path
- Go to the TYPE on a PATH tool, click on path and type in a sentence.
Change typeface and size, and see how type reacts to the path - Create a perfect circle (ellipse tool, hold shift key while dragging.
Go to the TYPE on a PATH tool, click on path and type in one word.
Pay attention to where you are placing cursor, change typeface, size, and alignment.

Again, here’s the quick reference.
This is a practice run. You do not need to upload this.
Also, here’s more info about Type on a Path.
First, review how to create a circular path in InDesign by M. Giuliani.
Below: preliminary step.

This video also demonstrates how to put text on both sides of a circle.
Please remember your solutions should not look like the sample provided. Do your own design. Forge your own path.
Complete page 12 (path) of the Project 1 InDesign document. This PDF shows the Type Book so far (with Type on a Path in process).
- Column #5. Text for heading : Type on a Path
- You can use the entire area of the 4 first columns
- Use text related to the person you chose and create a typographical composition using a circular path. If the of your person is short, add some more text, for example a line describing the person or the year he/she/they/it was born or founded.
- Pay attention to all spacing and layout issues discussed in class and adjust as necessary.
- Remember– NOW that you know about type and its variations (different styles of the same typeface), italics and bolds must be used to emphasize text.
- Your choice of caps & lowercase or all caps, or all lowercase.
- Save your inDesign file
- Export page 12 only as a PDF: Lastname_path_092022.pdf
- Upload PDF file only (of page 12) in DROPBOX
Below: A version incorporating items listed above:

Grading Note:
Project 3: Steps/ progress not done by due dates (-3 per step)
Upload to Dropbox with naming convention as instructed.
On the subject of grading, here are jpegs of the rubrics I’m using to grade you and track your progress. There are no grades on these (I will not post everyone’s grades together. Your grades will be given to you privately). These rubrics will give you an idea of the grading system. Here, the word “rubric” means a set of guidelines and an explanation and system of how you are evaluated/graded. To be academic, here’s the dictionary definition. Interestingly, the word originates with hand-written manuscripts, with some text in red to set it off from other text.

And here’s the Participation Rubric.

Class 09 is on Thursday, September 22.
You will present your Type Book during Class 11 (October 11).
Graphic Assignments are always due the day before next class by 8pm, and must be uploaded to the Dropbox to which I invited you unless indicated otherwise. Assignments go into Dropbox. Participation Activities go into OpenLab.
The cover book that catches my eyes is the one where the words are like in a huge circle because it looks really cool and interesting. And I really like how it brings attention to the book.
The title, repeated and on a curve, definitely is cool.
I think you mean the first and second images as opposed to the upper left cover in the last image (which is in a circle but not so huge and not so cool).