Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2022
  • Meeting Info: In person, Pearl 116, 8:30 to 11:00am, followed by Professor’s office hours from 11:00am to noon in Pearl 116.


  • Last Class: Presentation of Project 03.
  • Wrap up the semester.
    • Type & Media, a foundation course in typography, introduced you to working with TYPE. In the course, among the items we covered were:
      • History of letterforms and evolution of same
      • Vocabulary and Classification
      • Best practices for clear communication
      • Type on Paths
      • Grids
      • Expressive Typography
      • Creating your own letterforms
      • Readability and Legibility
      • Conceptualizing and sketching
      • Communicating clearly with type to call attention to a cause for concern, using a document of a dimension larger than the first two projects
      • Same as above but using dimensions smaller than the first two projects and the posters in the final project
      • Elementary animation
      • Pulling everything together
  • Grading is based on:
    • Timeliness (Remember: Project 03 was due last class, Dec. 15)
    • Progress
    • Adherence to the specifications
    • Pushing beyond what you already knewAesthetics—always more qualitative than quantitative—also count.
    • Finally, participation and doing in-class activities factor in.
  • Grades will be posted by December 27.



  • To recap the specifications for the project you’re presenting today and to discuss your work, you did the following, using the checklist below (this material is also on Class 28):
    • Place all work into one document.
    • Specified text, in addition to content listed below, is as follows: Cause for Concern. This is a heading but does not need to be as large as the title of your concern.
    • The text you wrote
    • A factoid (small amount of factual information you’ve researched
    • The source of above (a link, OR a name with publication and date). “Found on Google” is NOT an accurate source.
  • Page 1 
    • Poster 11 x 14 Cause for Concern/ following given grid / Your Concern with specified text (see above).
  • Page 2
    • Poster 11 x 14 Cause for Concern/ following given grid / Your Concern with specified text (see above)
  • Page 3
    • Poster 11 x 14 Cause for Concern/ following given grid / Text Wrap/ Use 10 of your classmates’s concerns with specified text (see above). You’ll need to do some editing.
  • Page 4 
    • 11 x 14 Page with 4 square social media posts
    • REMEMBER: You’ll animate one of the Social Media Posts; upload your GIF to Dropbox (along with your Packaged files).
  • _________________________________


  • Final Presentation. We will start no later than 8:45am.
  • Each of you will present for 7 minutes total, with 4 minutes for your presentation and 3 minutes for feedback. (15 minutes + 112 minutes. = 127 minutes. = 23 minutes left for roundup or departure.
  • Discuss the following (here’s a PDF of the Presentation Script):
    • Why did you choose your topic?
    • Talk about your sketches and whether it was difficult to conceptualize.
    • Why did you deploy the typography and images you’ve used?
    • Where did you find your images?
    • What were the challenges you faced in your work?
      • What was the most useful Participation Exercise?
      • How would you describe the class in one sentence or less?
      • What are two things you learned this semester that you didn’t know before?
      • What is the difference between illustration and abstraction (yes, I meant to include this question here)


Closing Remarks

It’s been an honor to teach you. Congratulations on completing what is for many of you your first semester in college. Intense! Keep at it! Keep in touch. Enjoy your holidays and break. Happy New Year!



Here are some extras for you to enjoy when you’re not catching up with sleep:


Again, grades will be posted by December 27, 2022.


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