Class Info

  • Date: Thursday, December 15, 2022
  • Meeting Info: In person, Pearl 116, 8:30 to 11:00am, followed by Professor’s office hours from 11:00am to noon in Pearl 116.


  • Complete Work. Refine. Prepare for final presentation, posts and submission of class activities.


Once you’ve refined and done everything, see items below:


  • Learn to present.


  • Refine work; Prep for in class presentation.
  • See Class 28 for Checklist/specs/recap of what needs to be done.
  • Are the headings on Project 03, page 4 clear and easy to read?
  • Complete Social Media posts and gifs. See Class 26 for review of making an animated GIF. See also PDF handout.
  • Test your animated GIF. Is yours compelling? How can this one be improved?

Activity 2

  • ONLY If everything is perfect and if I’ve reviewed work with you, return to the ALL TYPE Type Challenge from Class 28
  • Student Posts > Type Challenge > Lastname_Holidays2_121522
  • Create an 8.5 x 11″ poster with the word “Holidays” with TYPE ONLY and WITHOUT any illustration. Use Expressive Typography and a typeface different from the one you deployed in Class 27 (Dec. 8). You can work in InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop but, again, use TYPE ONLY. If you work in Photoshop, animate some of it. TYPE ONLY.
  • NOTE: If you get a message about “not enough space,” then upload your Type Challenge to Dropbox.


Complete CLASS Activities for final submission at the end of today’s class and presentation on Tuesday, Dec. 20 (the final class).

Everyone will present. We will start promptly and may end early.

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