What Kind of Graphic Designer Am I?
As a Communication Design student at City Tech, I’ve learned a little bit of everything during my time. I’ve learned fine art, 3D Design, Animation, Web Design, Advertising and more. As my time continued and I learned more programs I realized that I’m more of a specialist than a generalist. Although, at times I do find my self in the middle of the two I would consider myself leaning more towards being a specialist in the field of graphic design. While I can produce things such as 3D models and know the basis of Web Design, those tasks would take much more of my time to complete on a project. Advertising is one of my strong suits as well as editing which both go hand in hand in the field of graphic design. Advertising for a client is one of my favorite branches in graphic design simply because I like to reinvent ads as well as design for the consumer and to catch their eye.
I’ve decided that the type of graphic designer I am is a specialist because I know that some of my talents are stronger than others and my designs are stronger when I work on a platform I know best as well as something I’m more comfortable with. As a specialist, I’ve nearly perfected the programs I use as well as being able to explore new ideas while still working on one specific part of a project or idea. As a generalist, it’s hard to execute my ideas when I must worry about not knowing how to do something or, trying to put all the pieces together. I also feel as a generalist, your ideas get strung out easily, working on many projects at once it’s easy to lose inspiration because of the different task being taken on at once. While I can and will work on different parts of a project (IE Copywriting, Web Designing, storyboarding etc.) it’s much easier to work on one certain type of designing.
As a graphic designer being a specialist and interested in advertising, I’d want to work for an advertising agency. After learning about the different types of agencies I’d be a specialist working in an inhouse ad agency simply because of the stability. While I’d enjoy having fame and a lot of money, I’d much rather be able to go to work each and everyday knowing that I’m going to have a job and work with the same company. Other than the stability of the job, working in an ad agency that is in house gives me a chance to learn the ropes easily. Being as though I’d be working inhouse, I’d get a chance to work on one client the whole time as well as just working on one assignment for whatever time which would allow me more time to learn on the job.
The specific part of Graphic Design and advertising I would like to say I specialize in, is Ad campaigns. I can work on many ad campaigns and never get bored of it, I also like working on ad campaigns because it’s what bridges the client to the consumer. Being a consumer, my attention is easily drawn to fun and creative ads. I really like to work on ads that are catchy and witty; ads are one of the main things that everyone pays attention to and that is one of the reasons why I consider myself a specialist in that line of work.